Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sounds good to me.....

A text from my Mom.  "Any chance you will come up for Christmas-time with your sister"?   With this picture attached. 

And this picture attached.  To say their property is peaceful and beautiful is an understatement.  To imagine curling up next to them in their little living room? Sounds good to me.  And so I said..."Mama I would love to, let me work on some things".


Stuff that makes me laugh on Pinterest.  The "nailed it" pictures.  I mean, seriously, do you really think most of those recipes, ideas, and crafts are THAT easy to pull off?  I have made a couple of the recipes, but man, this stuff is funny. 


Along with the running around like a chicken with my noggin chopped off in this holiday season, Kali has started her quest for the "perfect" winter formal dress.  This actually started about 2 weeks ago.  These things go along with Chapter 16.  And so I do get it, but I also have to slow her down a bit, and remind her, first things first.  The dress she wants, and LOVES, is in Australia.  Yup, you read that right.  Not close.  I suggested we do another day trip to downtown julie brown LA, and the words muttered out of her sweet little perfect mouth....."Um Mom, I think that just me, Mac and Maddie are going" Yes,  I heard what I heard, which was, Mom, I don't need you. And so I just smiled, and accepted it.  But seriously, why can't we just go hang, have lunch, and let me snap, snap, snap away....Cross my fingers she changes her mind.  Cross my toes she chooses something from LA vs. Australia.  Seriously. No, really, seriously.  It is a pretty dress though.   Almost Friday fellers.  Let's keep marching.  March.  March.  March. 

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