Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Weirds and Wows.



crazy eyes.  I stumble across these shows late at night...when I can't sleep, or trying to fall asleep..and if I keep the channel on too long.  It makes my stomach hurt.  I am serious. It will keep me awake.  The thought that these silly ass people are paid to be freaks.  Remember I told you about rich people and their antics?  Go figure.  This time and money should be spent on children that are homeless and need further education.  Not this silly shiz.  Look at her eyes.  

Wows.  Kris and Lizo spent the night down in San Clemente at her Aunts house.  I've heard this house on the beach is amazeballs.  Just her ceiling speaks heaps and hills of amazing.  Seriously.  Look at that cute idea.  Have a dull ceiling in a den?  Top it off with some good ol' boards. Take note of the skateboards along the sides too.  AWESOME.


Wows too. My boy.  Caught whatever yittle waves he could Sunday morning.  Shore break created a dented board.  Can I get an awwww? #23yearoldproblems.   Hope this humpday will treat you good. If it doesn't, find a good book, or your favorite magazine, find your favorite spot,pour yourself some wine h20 and relax.  Breathe in and breathe out.  You will be ok.  I promise.  And if today you aren't? Tomorrow will always be a little better.   Cheers. 

P.S. I forgot these are Wows too.  I want.  Soon.  I want those boots.  I love some good real leather boots.  Yes.  Ok, that's it kids.  Go play. 

P.S.S.  Called my Mom today wishing sweet words, and was told my Dad was headed to a specialist to have some "C" word removed from his ear.  First Biopsy showed "C" word. So now to a specialist.  This makes me mad.  This makes me sad.  This makes me wonder why they don't tell my sis and I.  I know they don't want us to worry.  I get it.  But my job is to help them.  And so now I pray harder.  I will make sure that feller is taken care of.  That ear suffers from the "C" word because of his kick ass hard work and digging many pools for many people back in the day.  The best tractor driver anyone would know.  My Dad. In the sunshine.  All. Day. Long.  Sunblock never mentioned.    Please pray for him.  Pray for my Mom. They need eachother.  They need me.  They need T.   Thinking positive.  Always.

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