Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cutest thing this year.

I log into FB on Tuesday afternoon.  My cousin whom teaches all grades.  And an amazing Mama of 3 kiddo's. Oh....And the perfect wife.  Basically, the perfect e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.  She just is.  She has been subbing in classes in their small town for the last few weeks.  They live wayyy up 9 hours north. While subbing in Broc's class yesterday he was told to keep quiet during rug time.  He didn't listen.  He was instructed to write the above sentence in red when they got home.  

He came out of his room with the above.  Not bad for a 5 year old.  I laughed out loud on my porch.  I continue to smile as I look at this.  I think this should be brought out at his wedding some day, while the speeches are shared.  This is some good stuff right here.  Good stuff.  Chapter 5. Good stuff.

Mindi, you are one heck'ofa Mama.  And Wife.  And Daughter.  And Cousin. And Teacher. you just are.

Broc, I love you.  Little feller, I love you.   Cousin Lisa has included this in my book of life in photos, that's a guarantee. 

Happy Thursday Kids.  Be quiet on the rug....K?

Lots of love...and lots of countdowns to Friiidaaaay....


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