Thursday, October 11, 2012

Breakfast. Lunches.

And so you may wonder why I post this mug?  Well, it is because this face crawled under my skin for the last time this morning.  You all know I wake very early to cook breakfast right?  Oh.  And make lunches too right?  Yea, I do.  And I pack everything just so perfect for all creatures I love.  Except for the boy that doesn't like sandwiches or salads.  Named Kris.  After making all things food, and trying to sip my coffee like it's the last thing I get to do....I rush into get ready.  You know the important things, like makeup, hair and clothes.  Not to mention rinse up and brush my teeth.  This time frame allows about 30 mins. Max.  And I seem to handle that.  THIS morning as I was rummaging through my hoarder closet where my shoes and bags live.  I hear "Mom, why do you always do things last are gonna make me late".   Oh.  REALLY.  Really?   I grabbed my shoes, my life for the day and headed into my living room where I almost slide tackled the above girl.  I actually yelled at her.  So if my neighbors think I am crazy, OH WELL.  I refuse to rush around in the morning to be treated like some delinquent parent.  So.  Guess what? The brace face above will make her own breakfasts until she drives to school on her own.  I am done.  Hows those lemons? Life lessons.  Although she is brace-less now, and always quite the good, super good kid.  Today, this shark is over it.  SHE can do it.  I will sip coffee, and get me ready.  #shehasneverbeenlatethankyouverymuch.

Thanks for letting me vent.  Any of you that have kids, get this.  Some that don't. are lucky.  Well, kind of.  Because life is good with them. But these little slide tackle moments do exist.  And these moods of mine, well they exist too.  I refuse to be spoken down to while I bust my ass. By anyone. 

Whew.  I feel better.  Happy Thursday little fishies.  Hope you are swimming through this week fast. 

I heard a song on the way to work that said something like..."After the rain comes rainbows".  I should sing that more often.  At least today.

P.S. Which leads me to:  My Dad.   Talk about rain and rainbows.  Just as I start to type this I want to cry.  But I will keep those fellers in my eyelids.  My dad is having his right ear almost completely removed.  The outside.  There are also 5 other spots on him that need to be removed.  His response "I'll get it done, I will just look funny".  

I sat in silence. I seriously sat in silence.  I had no words.  My two ears sat there listening, yet my mouth couldn't speak.  I have started my research.  This C Word isn't evasive enough to get into the nodes...but needs to be removed.  Pretty quick.  They will treat it with a topical Chemo. The news to be told on your wife of 45 years birthday?  Pretty big bummer if you ask me.  I am here, they are there.  I will bust my butt to make things any way better that I may.  If he allows.  Pray for my Dad. Pray for my Mom.  A mountain to climb.  They can do it.  C word, can suck it.  My Dad called Kris before me to tell him to cover his entire body.  Ears included every. single. day.  You, me, we...all should too.     

I guess hoping Friday comes sooner than later isn't quite the hype right now.  Another day closer to my Dad dealing with pain.   Darn it, tears have arrived.  Boom.  This sucks. 

Me.  Daughter numba two. aka. shark. slide tackle, yeller pro.

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