Thursday, April 4, 2019

And She Stands For A Round Of Applause.

When you graduate high school, you get the fielding of questions such as "so what's next, what college, what school, where you goin'...."  And it goes on and on. 

Kali was lucky (and strong enough) to get her foot in the door of college. And with the lessons from my best friend Maria whom pushed us through with guidance, and strong advice. It was either this way, or that way. But she was going to college. 

(And yes, I miss those soccer SO much!)
They graduate from college, and are handed that beautiful hard earned degree, and then the world slides by like an exit sign on the freeway.  More and more signs are passed.  They start to get out in the BIG world of life. Student loans.  Rent. Groceries. Eye brow threading-lol- Resumes are updated.  Resumes are fancied up.  Resumes are rejected.  And resumes are accepted.  She landed a decent job in Newport back at the end of summer last year.  A job that offered some interesting people. But people that taught her some lessons in this life.  Some weirdo's.  And some good ones.   She learned to share lunches with kind girls.  She learned that some wear too much hairspray.  Too much perfume (yuck) Too much donuts.  Too many questions.  Every day on her way home we'd chat, and our calls would be filled with laughter. 




The company is closing their doors.  At least in that location.  She got her pink slip.  Out the door she went.  Wallowing in tears as she called her mom.  Shaking while filling her tank of gas to get on home.  More in shock than acceptance.  Listening to her mama proclaim "Kali this is going to be okay...I promise you, doors close because different and perhaps better doors will open".  
Truth is, no one can cover up or prepare you for departures as such. 
It's just a life experience.
And that life experience helps you become a better person. 


Humbled. Hurt. And lessons learned. 

The one thing I've always admired about Kali, since her Christian school days, was her ability to present herself.  In grades.  In bible verse memory drills on Friday.  She just did it.  And so well.

Now she's interviewing for new positions.  New chapters.  New pages that feel far worse because of the what-ifs in her head.  You know how life is, we tend to lean towards the negative before believing in the positive.  



She had an interview on Tuesday at a new company.  An intimating place.  Corporate-Schmorprate as her mom always says.  A place where she was interviewed by 4 people.  With a 5th as an extra bonus. Here's the thing about Kali.  When that girl has to step up and make an impression of who and what she can offer, she's got the world in her hand.

They said they'd call her with news of either a hire or a non-hire within the next 3-5 days.

They called her yesterday.  The day after.

They call this "Phase 2"-  And with Phase 2, they take her to lunch.

From there if they decide to hire her, (man, I hope she doesn't get pepper or spinach stuck in her teeth- HAHAHAHA) they'll send her to Georgia for training. 


Being a good human.

Trusting herself.  

Taking the GRIT she was built with and doing something about it. 

If you pray, or have time to toss good juju in the air for that little homegirl, please do. 

"The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children"

 As your mama, I stand and applaud you with all that is in me.  Keep pushing for what you've worked so hard for Kali.  Beep.  Kee.  You got this. 
I promise. 

This Mama Lisa

And because this week I can't seem to stop crying over everything, this picture makes the biggest tears fall. 

Also, for those that know Kali so well, she's a germaphobe in the highest form, and she sucked her thumb all day every day- Here in Kindergarten, I'd pick her up to 8 dirty fingers. Except for those thumbs.  #strongimmunityforlife

Never, EVER give up!

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