Monday, April 22, 2019

A Picture And Its Worth.

Lets file this one under [find a way to fix my moms forehead from the tear off]

You know when you remove pictures from frames from years past, there's a high chance they're not going to come out with 100% ease. 
Such is the case here.
My mom didn't care.
She took this 8X10 out of the frame, and slid it into her youngest daughters birthday folder.

Here Lisa, have a piece of our life. 

The days a photographer in an  RV would make his way around Westminster capturing families in front of their homes.  This particular home held some weird memories, that's for sure. 

But some goodness came out of it.

As most of our childhood.

This being no different.

I can remember this like it was yesterday.

More proof that we held it all together.

Well, they did.

For us.

Nineteen seventy five.

The Trabue's. 

Holding onto love.

To vows.

To making the best.

For us.

For them.

In this picture, notice my moms necklace.
Found under the Seal Beach pier by my dad.
Strands of shells, little beads..and coral. 
She wore it for years. Never taking if off.


Family of four. 

Mike, Pam, Tina and Lisa.....

You better believe I'll find a way to have my mom's forehead fixed.  I see myself in my mom. I see my dads handsome eyes, hair and body.  Same goes for my mom.

It's why they fell in love.

It's why they held on tight, even through the hardest months and years.

For us.

Get ready for my pictures kids.

They're good.

Oh, so good.

Hope your Monday went off without a hitch.  As for me and my bunny Bill...we snuck away for a much needed breather.  A place that refills our reason behind hardwork. 

Fruits of thy they say. 

Much needed time alone.


I hope you find as much joy in old pictures as I do.

There's a lot of worth in my humble chubby faced opinion.

And my nose looked so small.


ps.  And if you've called, texted or sent a message I left my charger at home and so, as irony would have it, I am not attached to my phone as I normally am. 

I am still working remotely, just not staring at random customers, and shuffling paper and numbers as I do on the daily.

Can I get a helllyaaa??


This Mama Lisa 

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