Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I Dream Of Rain

Have you ever heard the song "Desert Rose" by Sting?  

Part of the tune says "I dream of rain"---

Well, it came true.

We snuck away to our safe cave.  To a cave we know so well and love so much but ration the visits because of workschmerk.  Between all the things life hands know the scenario...
Health. Responsibility. Work. Responsibility. Work. ---(me hovering over kids lolz)

 The wheel just doesn't stop. Fortunately, we ARE able to work.

We knew going into summer things indefinitely looked very different.  For various reasons we just knew. 
But we forged forward.  Of course I belly-ached and whined here and there.We both take the funny phone calls and texts' from friends up there having a good time rubbing into our faces.  We'd be on the couch with a leg up on ice.  Or even better he'd watch me flutter around the birdies.  Work coming in hot most days, with so many things he's juggling.  

We knew we'd step away last week, but we couldn't put a real solid day together.  Last Sunday evening we agreed 
"Lets see how the days go"----

You know those fly's that fly in circles in your living room?
Those little black stupid ones that go round and round and you try to get them out, but it's nearly impossible, and so you just deal with it, and then miraculously gone the next morning?

That's how I've been feeling.  Like the madness just doesn't stop.
One big fucking triangle chasing nothing.
My anxiety can climb thru the roof some days.

Getting away surely helps...tis is true for most of us, right?
Duh. lol

 (Cheesiest smile pictured ^ )

We spent those days watching a massive monsoon blow through. The song by Sting playing with the words, I dream of rain....all along I thought...this is beautiful...THIS is rain....A rain came down like I've never seen there before. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L.
We boated in shady questionable but kinda trusty weather.  We biked (with nerdy helmets as Kali calls it-it's okay Kali, safety first kid).  We laughed.  I cried (whats new-but look at me kids, some tears are happy tears, like staring at good labs, or hearing how a doctor visit finished up- or watching a video of our daughter walking the streets in a raincoat in Italy with her roomies, or when a dragon-fly landed on my arm in a cove and I thought, is that you Jeff?
Are you letting us know everything is okay Jeff?

(Big Stick Empty Cup, If You Know, You Know #Havasusprings)

We ate way too much...and eh um, drank too much one night (hello skinny dippers-best feeling in the summer warm pool at midnight world-hallelujuh).  We slept in. (til 7am).  We watched TV (hello I was obsessed with the hurricane) I cooked, I cleaned, I washed all the linens. 
And I just relaxed!

And we caught this.....

An hour later a storm would hit.  Thunder loud and hard enough to make the wood kreak.  (is that a word..kreak?lol)

 For a moment the "little black fly" stopped buzzing in circles. 
All was okay.... Together.  Sorting.  Loving.  Laughing(hard). Cleaning. Staring.  Smiling.  Clinking glasses. 

Those recharges are sure amazing......

And now it's back to the grind.  Werk werk werk.  

Listen to this beautiful song by Sting.  

I hope your week is filled with love, good food, and nice people....

Put on a good Sting CD, and let it take you away....

Stay Strong Renee, Jen and Kris....

May you gain strength, and peace each day...

Lisa Lynn

PS-  Happy 19th Month KRISTOPHER!  

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