Tuesday, September 20, 2016


While my birdie goes through his hundreds and hundreds of pictures he snapped last weekend, I'll share a few that were either sent to me, or in my phone.  Sans, the blur.

Speaking of blur...

The one of us playing corn-hole cracks me up! Look at the sign above our heads.

"Old Volks"

Just too good....

And man, that is ONE HECK OF A GAME! I want one!  Talk about fun!

And lets just all take a good long look at my face. Hair. Arms. Everything. I seriously see the ten year old Lisa.
Minus beer.

#Guinnessbeeristhebest  #theofficelakehavasu



Here's my birdie and his cupcake on our way up-lake to our favorite dive bar-restaurant-burger-drink-you-name-it-fun-place-to-boat-to- "The Springs" 

EIGHT months post transplant- To my transplant families out there, YOU WILL GET THROUGH THE DARK DAYS!

Anyway....The Springs....We go for their burgers.  On this particular day, we had three things on our mind.  My aunt and uncle would join us with my cousins Trevor and Jazmine, a good burger and a good drink.

They weren't serving burgers. 


 Sitting next to my aunt and uncle and cousins, made my day!  (We have more pictures, especially of my cousins, but lets save those for another day....k?) #weddingin3 weeks.

A couple cocktails later, and a frozen pizza, I know-----------> haters gonna hate, I'm grossing out too.  LOL
And if you can see the bird in the picture on someones boat..?
Well, they managed to put the word out that we had the best kettle corn in our boat, and so guess who partied in our boat?
You're right....them birds.  Them dirty dirty birds..

Our ride back was nothing short of amazing.   I tell ya' there's something about the lake at dusk. In the fall, with those you love.  Minus, Kali.  Where was Kali....?


You know my big-wig friend Sandy?

Well, Sandy strikes again....

And not only does Kali and Madison go to the raddest of raddest concerts...

But it's over the top.

 Nick, Darren, Madi, Demi and Kali...(HAHAHA. like how I roll out those names like I know them? LOL)
You see, she goes into places back stage and shares food with fancy people that only someone that is friends with Sandy get to go to.

Thank you Sandy! 

So as we sent pictures back and forth and I thought my corn-hole loss won.

It really didn't. 

What won was the dude in all white. Lookin a little wax figurish?
Nick Jonas, you rock.

Happy Taco Tuesday kids....

Be kind.  And smile at a stranger.  

I've needed a smile the last couple of days, and last night in the grocery store a lady smiled so big at me, and I thought...wow.   

They do work.  


The Corn Hole Gonna Win Hard Next Time, 

Mama Lisa

Ps.  Thank you Wade and Ronda for sending that beautiful Rasta picture....tis' quite beautiful---

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