Friday, September 9, 2016

This And That And A Rattle-A-Tat

What a week guys....

It's been the kind of week where my phone is tied to my ear at work, paperwork is literally a game on my desk, and my body and soul says go hide from it all in my house.  Which is what I do. 
And I pray.
Bill has been buried under the same rubble.
We can't complain, it's better to be busy surviving, than not, right?
Hustle hard.
Every day, all day.

Not sure why, but in my humble opinion I believe some humans should not be allowed to dial a phone.
My name is Lisa and I am challenged with rude, mannerless humans.
Pray for me. 
Please and thank you are important key factors in this life.
Am I right here kids?
Live and learn, right? 

And if you ask me, groggy days like today should be illegal. 

I am so groggy.  

I have yet to upload all the pictures from last weekend. Or should I say, hound Bill for them from his phone. 
You guys, I CANNOT seem to get my camera back out, and in that groove.  
Come on' mojo photographer, stalker, group picture lasso' wrangler, get my shittogethertakeallthepicturesgirl!

Hey Roxanne, thanks for these. Not sure where your arms went, maybe they were taking this picture.

Or still inside our little cove tucked in that back room grabbing us more peanuts. 

Either way, I love you.  

And Kali, just look, John and Jane wear helmets. See, we aren't the only ones. 


Last weekend, Sunday anyway....we hustled a long bike ride, and dock sit.  The dock sit included some paddle boarding, and lots of laughter. 

Last night we rolled into Michael's in Naples to celebrate this gem of a bestie.  We laughed.  We sipped good red wine, and we most certainly dined on some fine grub.  I tell ya, the lives of the rich and famous, something I. AM. NOT.  Wanna feel like a big wig with fancy panties? Go there.

 Because you know any place that has bad ass red wine glasses like this.... I mean...come on.
That alone will draw me back.  Half off happy hour.  The struggle is getting off work and there before it ends. HAHA!
Would you just look at those fingers in that glass?  Those fine drips are magical in my eyes.  

Get there at happy hour, because if not, you'll have to sell your car for one.  jk

Actually it's a great restaurant.  Michaels, in Naples, LB . Beautiful spot. 
Laughing at this picture, because I had to duck into my car, and wondered why my hair was rubbing the ceiling of my car. HAHAHAHAH. What the HECK!!?!!!
That's a bun, on a whole different level. 

Happy Birthday Shell!  We love you! 

And we are so thankful to celebrate YOU another year here Earthside.

 And if wonder how my littlest birdie's first couple weeks back in school have been?

I'd say this sums it up.

She was quiet this week. 

Something I sorta took personal.  After all, us mama's tend to want to fix everything...

I'm trying hard to let go. To let her sort. And figure things out. And struggle. And push. And navigate. 
And compromise. And have patience.  With new professors, new room-mates, new surroundings. 

All of it. 
She's done so well.  A fine example, they're having issues in their rented house. 
She's dealing with the landlord.  The landlord is being a little shady.  Kali isn't tolerating the "Shady-ness" very well.  My offer to help was kindly declined.  "Mom, I am handling it".


Their fridge died this week.  You remember the one I white knuckled out there?

It's not feeling well.  

So mama and dad are driving out tomorrow. 
Not to fix it, but to buy some more dry-ice and groceries.  
She handled the repair-man calls, he's coming Monday.


Dad needs to put her mirror on her dresser, and take a look around her new domain.

I hope your weekend is sweet and full of love. 

Hold tight Kali, we're coming atcha!


This Mama Lisa

Don't blink. 

The chapters are flying you guys...


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