Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When things shouldn't taint others.

I have strange beliefs about social media.  And the more I see it, the more I use it, the more often I am baffled, and actually quite worried for our younger generation.  Especially my grand kids.  What will the world turn into if people continue to post, baffle, and hurt others with words.
I'm not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't do. Different strokes for different folks, as the old saying goes.  But there should be a little "law" about posting certain things that might, just might hurt others. Or maybe, just maybe posting silly things that you know are inadvertantly trying to hurt/offend someone else.
I do not post on Facebook often.  However I do "Snoop" and check out who's doing what...etc.  #Truthbetold
But when I see hurtful things creeping around on there, it really makes me wonder.  What is our world turning into?
I never let Kali have a FB account, but now we are juggling Instagram.  Along with all of her studies, and HS friends and social life....we have Instagram.  I am starting to see that IG is primarily an offspring to FB.  And I am worried.  I allowed her to get this, and now am beginning to find a way to pull her away.  It's time consuming. It can be hurtful.  It can be raw.  And it certainly can add drama where it's definitely not needed. 
We recently read quite a few tid-bits of a spat between girls that we know. Girls that once really cared about eachother.  And I thought.  You know this is lame.  Instead of hashing it out the "ol' school way" and maybe calling eachother, or writing a rolled out way different.  Enough for the world to see.

Is this right?
Should we teach our kids a different path?  Do you ever look at elderly, or some people that do not contribute to this kind of social world and wonder...?  IS their life more peaceful without all of this drama?
Again, I don't create drama, nor do I condone and play into it.  I certainly have stayed smarter in that game.
Nothing is worth my input to further help or open up a conversation that should be held between just a couple of people.
Again, this is just my humble opinion.

Try and reach out to people the old way.  If something hurts you, talk to THEM.  Not all of us.
Spread kindness and goodness out in the world.
Post pictures of happy moments, and great times. 
We don't need to know your grief over and over again.  Try and fix it.
Those mean negative people do not need your attention. Ignore it.

What's up for Wednesday?  Just this.

DO NOT let your kids get Instagram if they haven't.
Just another poison to taste.

Nothing good is coming out of it.

Trust me.

Have fun, be good, and post positive nice things.  Get help for those other things you think the world needs to know.  We really don't.

And when you feel the need to post negative things out for the world, try this instead-

You're welcome.

ps. this is my blog. my opinion.  my belief. 

BE THE BETTER IN THE WORLD-  Ignore ignorance.

Sticks and Stones......

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE....Live up to that. Because YOU are worth it. 


Mama's don't let your babies grow up to do Instagram. haha.


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