So many times while driving, in this one certain spot heading to work, I have the sun in my face, and the music turned up....I reflect. It's rather quick. But pretty meaningful.
A few grateful things rush over me. I have to put on my game face when I pull into my parking spot at work.
I work with almost all guys. Fiberglass. Resin. Boxes and brackets. Not to mention the occasional rude manner-less feller.
I've endured these days for almost, 18 years kids. Yipes.
I've learned to find things to be thankful for. It helps me get through the dark days.
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Meeting "Paddy"- I love surprises. |
I'm thankful for good food. I live this life with passion, and food is the front runner. Always. I may not look like I stuff my face, but I do. I choose healthy food, and eat in moderation along with going to the gym each day for 3 hours. HAHAHAHA. Syke. I had Bill all turned on there for a second. omg. I crack myself up.
I'm thankful for sunshine. Without sunshine and tanned skin, my face wouldn't seem so bright and happy and my legs would never embrace shorts.
I'm thankful for amazing friends. I'm a very lucky lady to be constantly surrounded by so many amazing people.
I'm thankful for amazing employees that have my back when I run around for HS Soccer and this girl named Kali.
I'm thankful for a car that speaks to me about my brake light being out. THAT is bad-ass too.
I'm thankful for family that continues to keep our bond close by planning our Easter picnic for us and the little ones.
I'm thankful for pedicures, because having someone rub my legs and feet, along with paint these long toes of mine is simply bliss.
I'm thankful for good kids.
I'm thankful for good wine.
I'm thankful that I am a smell good plumber.
I'm thankful that all the flowers are in bloom. And green grass is everywhere....oh, that yummy smell of fresh cut grass.
I'm thankful I will be at the above spot within the next 10 days.
I'm thankful for the little hummus packets now sold at Costco. Easy snack and great way to stay in shape the healthy way.
I am thankful for my blog. Without you I would melt into smitherines, just ask Bill and Kali.
I am thankful for Gio because he treats my girl with respect, kindness and lots of love.
I am thankful for Lizo because she gets my boy just like me, she also brings me love AND avocados.
I am thankful for Bucksie because he is my afternoon partner in crime while I water. There is something about that little dog.
I am always thankful for Bill and his love, kindness, butt pinches of affection, good breakfast cookin and cute little surprises.
I am thankful for wrinkles, grey hair and good health. Because without these things, I wouldn't be wiser and brighter. Darn truth be told.
I am thankful for....
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Them. If they didn't exist, I wouldn't be me. Pretty sure of that. |
Within 3 weeks, I will sit there.
A whole hecka of a lot to be thankful for, what do ya say?
That's all for now little Tuesday Taco Heads. Oh, except a little word from the wise. Did you know there is 5 Friday, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sunday's this month?. Go ahead, check your calendar, I'll wait. Oh..k...your back? You believe me now? Crazy huh. Only happens every 823 years.
Keep on keeping on. Be real. Smile when you feel like crying. Go get yourself some hummus at Costco. and dip your carrots in that stuff kids. Omg.
Cheers little Senor's and Senorita's. Have a plan to get-away soon? Alone? Do it. Even a weekend. Don't have a lover or care to have one? Well then take a friend. Explore this Earth. Don't have much dough, or know where to stay? Try this.
You're welcome.
Don't look back, but when you see what's in front, be kind.
Always be kind.
You will get much further in this world with a smile. And manners. Never ever forget manners.
Be kind to animals.
Because Karma is a bitch.
Long hair, don't care.
The Thankful Mama.
P.S. The full moon is visiting us tonight, and tomorrow....YOU have been warned. The mean and rude with creep out of people, so try not to fight back. Just let it go.....It's a beautiful moon, but it creates tension.
Official warning from your friend Leese.
You're welcome again.
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