Monday, March 11, 2013

Studies and smiles.

Our weekend started with beautiful sunshine on a Saturday morning....A nice workout, a great cup-o'-joe while cooking breakfast to be served in bed for my sweet little ray of sunshine K.  Her day would consist of SAT Prep class and will continue this way for the next 6 weeks.  I spent Friday night prepping her for this.  (And while in Barnes and Noble was treated by far the worst in history of shopping...and yes, I might have been PMS'n...but I left there almost in tears after taking off my punching gloves. Yes, I held back all things rude.  #2wrongsdontmakeitrightHA!. Call me a sissy, but I HATE to be treated rudely by people..afterall, I am way too kind while out and about. #rudeladyalertkarmasabitch)
And these studies will further her dreams of attending....Boulder....

Or here....
Of course either one of these places would be a super big deal in our home.  As for me, I think the closer the better.  But have learned in life (while raising a son) I think it's good for them to go away.  A chance to REALLY fly from the nest.  To learn the rough good way, and live with others maybe more interesting than this Mama. To study something that will open her world to big big things.
She will keep planning.  We will keep dreaming.  We will keep working towards big goals.

We all spent Saturday evening out at my cousin Monica's.  Celebrating 25 35 years of beautiful her.
The strangest thing happened.  I opened a corona.  Sipped on that, served myself a plate of food, and opened another brew. When suddenly I realized I HADNT SNAPPED ONE PICTURE.  Mind you, this house is full of all little sweet babies and new little cousins.  #epicfail.
But I did manage to take quite a few before we split.  My DD Bill was giving me the I'm ready hun, "look".   So, without further's to many more Monica.  What a feast and great time your hubby hosted.  Love your home.  Love you.  Love your babies.
Sweet family of yours.  And of ours...
The cake.  Filled with whipped cream and Strawberries.   YUM!

Beautiful Aunts

Beautiful cousins.

Getting the party started...

Grammie and her little nugget of love.  Jio baby you are adorbs.
Here Grammie, have a horse...

Kennedy checking out Jio.  So sweet!

London wasn't feeling her this was "her look".   
Sunday morning was spent making breakfast for Gaylord and Shirley.  Gaylord loves my homemade actually early Saturday morning I drove over after Kali left for class. (he fell on Friday night and now displays some stitches on his noggin' and a broken wrist)  The biggest compliment to me?  Walking in to surprise him early and the look on his face when he sees my salsa.  It is, in fact the little things.  Bill and I cooked up a little storm Saturday and Sunday morning.  We served them.  We doted on them.  We clean and fix and help where we can.  It's a huge reminder of how fast and precious life is.  I see it there.  I don't see my parents often at all.  It sucks on many levels, but I've learned to accept it. I don't see people age in this kind of way.  I see things different when I am there.  And when we pull away.   I don't say much. But inside I feel so sad.  I guess my contribution is just to help. While there, things I hear and see sure do make life seem like a precious flower blooming and changing.  Like fast.

Life is fast.
Enjoy it while you can.
Don't stress the little things that are really actually LITTLE. 
You CAN get up and get dressed to drive your car to wherever you choose, because some can't.
Your body can do things now.  So choose to move it and DO things.

Practice random acts of kindness.
Those acts of kindness do come back.
In some way or another, it does come back.

Happy Monday Players.

Keep it real.

Hug the one your with. 


Lisa the epic fail photographer but server of salsa. 

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