Friday, October 25, 2019

My Son.

A tired guy, who's still fighting through yucky feeling days.  And weeks like this one where another flu bug grabbed your fins.  Finally tackling you down for the count. More congestion, more gunk, and more crud to rid from your body.

Overwhelmed by your commitments, yet juggling like a circus clown fresh from clown school. You do it. Never ever doubt me in the back, waving from my seat, with a big smile even when you are frustrated and tired.  I will still smile through tears to make you push through.

I always have my flag ready to wave too....

I've prayed for you every day and all waking hours of my nights for the last almost 4 years. 

I've prayed for Mercy. 
I've prayed for safety and health.

I've stared across the table at your face.  Your smile and that dimple. I've stood tall in the background with duct tape over my mouth when someone is offending you.  I've learned to hold em and fold em when letting you learn the ropes in life.  Humans.  

You're a political dude with righteous beliefs.  I've fought harder for you than any human on this Earth.  

You were my first lesson plan, and I still reap benefits and mistakes from young mama-hood. 

But you and I were little partners in the past. 

You make me so incredibly proud. 

Your strength in unbreakable, and yet some days, like a few this week, you were ready to cave.

Taking a class two nights a week after work, tucking into bed at almost midnight is taking its toll. 
I see you.  I hear you.  I can only imagine, and yet you've set your mind to finish. Almost there is what you say. 

You are a good human to animals. All living creatures (except grasshoppers that are eating your plants) 

I love you.

You have made me a stronger mom.  You've stood next to me when things are difficult and often times can be my food connoisseur partner. 

I am yours and you are mine.

Keep swimming and don't stop what you believe in. 

YOU are worth it. 

I love you from every sentence and every letter we've written together in the 30 chapters. 

I've reached higher because of you.
I've dug deeper than I ever imagine I could for you. 
I've fought off evil, in humans and disease with you.
We've weathered a few tornado's together.  

You are my sunshine.

They say hardship brings beauty.  Sometimes I call bullshit on that phrase, but I'll always hold out hope to keep seeing the beauty.

After all, I can still wrap my arms around him and kiss his sweet cheeks.

Or at times, after a dinner I've made for my family, he'll walk out after kissing my cheek.




Or in your phone I see Momster.   What's that all about.  LOL

Like that song says, MOST mom's should have the title of Saints.

Change that to Saint Mom.

k bye

Make that beautiful meal your body craves.
Serve your family, or serve your pets.
Or eat out and be served...

Just drink your water, and sip good wine...


As for me and my hands?  I'll be a mama nurse, family manager and love passeroutterrrrr LOL!

In reference to the phrase about Mom Saints....listen to this's one of my favorites..

"Most mama's outta qualify for saint-hood"  

Listen closely to the words....

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