Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Daughter.

Old picture, but it takes me back to the day you were flying to Italy. To study and party.
It was a bigger moment of "Bravery" for both of us.  Driving away from your dorm coming in hot for first place.  But sending you off after knowing how nervous and anxious you were.

You continue to make mama so proud.  Learning as you go.  This life isn't always easy, but you're surely paving an amazing road for you and your little family (Hey Grant and Mo!).  Getting up every morning early to grind again. And like this morning meeting your manager for breakfast at 6:30am probably wasn't your favorite, but proves the GRIT that your career needs. 

The traffic you navigate in every single day.  The Sunday night jitters you get to prepare for the week. 

All this Adulthood biz is tough.  But no one better suited than you. 

You make mama so incredibly proud. 

I hope these little notes to you from me stay in your soul forever, and even beyond that.

These lyrics rang so sweet to my ears.  (Except for it says, "Dream for Everyone But You"- um, no YOU MUST dream for you.)

I want your drive.

I want to live by your means.

I want to learn the kind words you express when mine aren't so.

I want to watch you soar.

I feel so lucky to have watched you thus far.

If I ever leave this Earth before you, please remember, you made me a better human.

A better mom.

I love you.

The plan in place for you is a good one.

Don't stop chasing your dreams.

E.V.E.R.  Everrrrr

All my love, all my life.

A warm round of applause to Grant-Man for his deep, unfailing LOVE for our daughter.  It never goes unnoticed.  You are amazing my dear. 

Don't stop, get it get it....

Your Mama

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