Friday, August 2, 2019

The Good Ol' Days.

Was driving to work this morning and heard a song come on that took me back to the late 70's.  Back when I'd watch my mom sing from the back seat.  Her long blown out black hair.  Sliding around in that big back seat.  Sometimes next to my sister, sliding purposely back and forth as our mom turned corners. 

Everything is so different. 

Kids attached to video ipads in their laps. 

Humans of all ages scrolling through their phones.  Look at those around you at a stoplight (and then get back to your text-lol).  And I am talking ALL ages.  Light turns green, we move on. Red light, chin back down again.

I am guilty of this too.  Only thing is you'll catch me pushing my sunglasses up so I can see, and pulling back so I can too.  LOL!  

I am digressing.  


Life is blazing by.  

Traditions change.

People fading out of our lives.  New people coming in. Or back.  Family included.

Politics grinding in between folks. 

Greed and entitlement highlighted more than ever.

The days of simplicity for all of us......gone.

Remember these? 

Remember when going to a shower would be as simple as showing up with your gift.  Playing games and sipping sherbert punch?  Don't get me wrong, because Registries are the jam for keeping thing inside the lines. For me, it's the vibe of change.

What happened to the days of yelling out "CAR" as we all made our way to the side. Red faced, dirty hands and a slender body because we played. 
Street lights coming on were a bummer, that meant get home.  Or hearing my dads whistle. 

Skirrrrt skirrrt.

The new generation.

Creativity is gone.

Convenience placed in front. 

Delivered groceries.

A point and click, and boom our kids will have their babies new pacifier delivered.

I look at the path of our kids and hope they choose to stray away from the change, and yet it's most likely they won't. 

They can't.

Check in at the doctor? Click right here.

Obesity at it's highest here in our country.  Because of simplicity.  convenience.

The music my mom sang all those years ago replaced with techno and digital.

It's becoming more and more astonishing to me just how fast this life is. 

Someone said, "once you hit 30, it goes way too fast".


If we can just let the hard moments go by, holding on to the precious ones.

Let the folks that have no place in your life go.  If it's not meant to be, it's not.

Soak up today.

Sing out loud so your kids can see you.

Don't hand them an ipad.  

Get outside. Touch soil.  Watch a sunset. 

Hug that person you love.  Hugs feel good.  We all need em.

Trust your gut. 

Keep your chin up, because someone out there has it way worse than you.

Don't be jealous, because EVERYONE shits, and everyone deals with shit.

Hope your weekend is sweet. 

Dive into nostalgia.  Dive into old songs.  Tell your kids just how much they mean.

Things can change in a blink.

I've been hardened these last few years. Something I am not proud of.  It's not me. 

I live to make others happy. Maybe it's the Aries in me.  

Another part of me is broken.  

And yet, I will try to look at the better side.

I hope you can too.

May your dreams stay big, and your worries small...

Happy Friday.  We made it!

Because Monday is just around the corner!  HAHAHAHA!!!!!

This Mama Lisa

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