Wednesday, January 23, 2019

My Words.

What a week kids, and it's only Wednesday.  Mine has been filled with all letters that make up the word STRENGTH.  The sentences typed out across my heart in motherhood.

Walking through chapters with one bird.

And in complete awe watching the other navigate through these last three years like a champ.

Tomorrow we head back to Kaiser Hollywood for our annual check-up.  A day filled with labs.  Long walks through the concrete jungle.

My sweaty armpits. And useless chatter. 

A smaller purse slung over my body crosswise, versus a mamabird carry-all bag.

A son that looks skinnier than I've ever witnessed, but has the spirit of a rompin' toddler.
Smiles at me through it all.  Leans in when the time is needed, and leans far out when it's needed too. 
(*when I nag about what he eats).

He assures me always.

He listens closely, yet has his own opinions at this point. 

He's wishful for more sunny days, and hopeful for some playful days too. 

Tomorrow I wake, as I do, with my little sweet cute butterflies floating around my tummy (silly little guys)....and I put one foot in front of the other. And I encourage.  And I work. And I sling more papers, phone calls, and humans...not literal..haha!!! And I drive.  And I get fussy.  And I get scared.  And I get sad.  And I get bitchy. And I get hungry.  And I get sweaty. 

But most of all.....

I cherish every single second.  Even in traffic to and from.  Sitting with my bird.

Pray for him if you do!  We can't thank you enough! 

Can't wait to exhale this weekend, and praise God for his Glory in saving my son!

This Warrior Mama Lisa

Please Lord, give us good cells. Give us good counts.  Give us good weight. Give us good answers on his ailments. 

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