Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Neat Stuff

Hey players...hows it goin?  You scratching the top of your noggin' cuz I've blogged a few days straight?  
ya, me too. Let's point the blame on all the essential oils I've stashed on every crevice of my bod. LOL
For reals though, I'm a believer.  AND I'm not sellin' em! lol

Funny how when the stars align (and your biggest birdie is feeling better and your littlest birdie is on US soil), and you toss in the towel on Christmas shopping, wrapping, cooking and all the other nonsense my younger self stumbled over.  
Not that I am over it forever, because next year you might catch me actually decorating the house.  Or I might get really crazy and put bows on the gifts I did manage to wrap. 
No promises though, k? 
Says the girl that wrote the names with a sharpie on the under side.   #ghettoforlife
k, I'll stop.  

One of the things I adored as a child was playgrounds.  I can remember one in Downey that had the best view of all the city.  Not sure when my fear of heights reached its peak, because as a child I loved to perch way up high scoping the view down below.  
I can also remember going to parks while our house had a flea bomb going full steam.  My mom would pack our lunch.  Pack the two kids.  The dog.  And off to the park we'd go. 
New parks.  New places. 
Always fun to explore. 

The one I couldn't tolerate was that spinning thing.  However it made my day to give that thing a spin for others.  The faster the better.  Make em all puke- HAHAHA!

Interesting how all regulations have put a screeching halt to playgrounds these days.  The thought of a kid actually burning their asses on a hot slide just doesn't jive anymore. The thought of a kid actually falling onto out law-suits. 
I'm quite sure folks just wait for their kid to actually get hurt so they can cause a raucous and sue.  


Life goes on...

Enjoy these parks from around the world....

My favorite being in Germany...go figure.  So rad to let em rip through, fall, get hurt, hammer down, and JUST BE KIDS!

Happy Hump Day Lovers....

Lisa Lynn

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