Friday, May 31, 2013

Showing kindness

One of the sweetest things about the day we are born is the acknowledgement of "our day".  It's the sweet messages that roll in from the moment it becomes our birthday.  At the tender age of seventeen, it's showcasing simple things that shine and shadow the big expensive material things.  It's the time someone takes to send a card.  The words they write.  Oh those meaningful words they write.  It's the big bows that are handmade with little love ornaments attached on that said bow.  From your boyfriends Mom.  The crafty one.  It's the time your Auntie takes to pick up sweets, and stop by to share the day.  The words she writes, and the picture she stuffed in your card as an 8 year old little Kali. It's the little baked goods delivered to our doorstep from a neighbor.  Those organic carrot cakes with cupcakes in tow.  It's the flowers that a neighbor picks out and hand delivers with a huge hug.  It's the little surprises at school from your besties.  That love from your boyfriend that is tender.  So important.  Especially to you.  Which melts me times a thousand.  It's your day.  And those that remember you.  It's just so kind.  And perfect.   In more ways than material can ever count.  

She received many nice gifts.  From us, from friends. From Gio and Gio's family.  (Lululemons...say wha..)
This birthday was awesome. Not just material.  But filled with KINDNESS. Being together.  Staying safe. Staying true and having fun while we do.

I didn't buy Kali a card this year.  As a matter of fact, I forgot.  Making cards for them is usually my "go-to" but time slipped away, and other things jumped in front. 

I wrote her a long letter.  Stuffed it in her bag.  Sealed with hope.  Pride.  And lots of love.

She received it this morning while in the parking lot at school.

Her response "Thank you for the letter, I love you so much Mom".

I love her, and them more than anyone on this big ol' Earth will ever. 

And I am proud.

Happy Friday kids.  Enjoy it. Eat well.  Hug the one you're with.

And don't forget to leave a note somewhere.  For someone.  Those sweet surprises will never ever grow old.

The good, the bad, and the ugly-
......just got a phone call from my boy that some douche broke into his car last night at his friends, broken window and all stuff taken.   oh.  this world, why? 


It starts with us.  And our children. 

P.S.  I deleted pictures of Kali opening gifts on her actual birthday.   Good job Mom.
Reminder to take my big good camera in for repair. It's time $$$

Now.....GO HAVE SOME FUN KIDS....and remember...DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE....!

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