Who's the Master?
Gaylord certainly is the master of interiors. And conversation. And stories. And memories. And love. Craftsmanship seeps through every ounce of this man. I do know where my man gets his fab figure. And those handsome eyes. And lips. And cute ears. Yes. I love Bill's ears. Alot.
I proudly represent his name for almost 17 years. He will celebrate 85 years next month. This is the man to sit next to on a road trip or in a room by a fire to hear stories. He's got em. Who loves these ol' romantic cars? Raise yo hand. Mine is raised. Love. One day closer to Friday folks. Counting the minutes. Counting seconds to get outta dodge. Wait? did I just say that? haha. I mean run to the lake. With my hair in the wind. Tonight is Open House at the High School. Is it rude to say outloud that I am kind of tired of going to these. So rude. Actually very rude. Sorry Kali. I love all your work. I know your classes. I see your grades. You rock em. But why oh why must they make us go through these. ? On a positive note: Tori is performing tonight. Dance. That is my MUST menu. Muah! xo
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