It went something like this. (and me talking in a strict Mom voice-ya rigghhht)
Me: Kali we're leaving next weekend. To Havasu.
Kali: What? No we aren't!
Me: What? Kali yes we are heading up there...you are on Spring Break.
Kali: Mom! I don't want to go up there and be bored. When all of my friends are here. I am not going.
Me: Seriously Kali...you are annoying me.
Kali: You don't get it Mom. I want to hang out with my friends. I am not spending my entire Spring Break in Havasu! I am going to the beach with my friends.
Me: You have the rest of your life. You are going with us. You are almost 16. We win. Invite Tori. And be ready.

When it was simple. Lake Mead Regatta 2004

This awesome dude is doing something weird to my girl. I think it's him. lol! Did I say that? Or is it her homework she will miss. Or maybe Hannah her cat? Or....all her friends that she sees every single day...at school and on the field?
hmmmmm (loud sigh)

At first I thought I had a handle on the whole Mama/Kali relationship..slash....her walking into pure. Hear me...PURE Teen girl hood. It's full on. ON. I know, don't roll your eyes at me. Because after raising a son, who will turn 23 in August, you would think I got this right? Well...

I'm having a terrible time letting go of my girl. I really am. And I have the right to. She isn't staying behind for Spring Break. SHE will be forced by momkind to hangout with us. To capture moments with her parents that will forever be with her. She has the rest of her life to hang out and share time with others.

I really...really.....reaaaalllly like Gianni. I take that back. I love this guy. But for now, I am holding on to this sweet girl. Well...kind of sweet. Maybe at times like bitter salt. Well her tongue. I love you Kali. You are stuck with us. Booya!
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