Waving goodbye to rain in the spring is one of my favorite things. I love rain. I love the cozy feel of being in. But when it passes, my heart sings joy.
After hearing on Friday about our canceled Lancaster game set for today, Bill and I quickly made plans to keep our kitchen planning ideas, and decided to spend the day doing what we love. Together. Kali had her plans. We watched the rain leave, the wind make it's pass...and the sun shine, shine, shine. Remember my post in March waiting for the Grand Prix to arrive? Races on this weekend baby~
Kris went throughout the weekend. Once with friends, and second day with his sweet sugarplum.
My cousin told Bill and I about a place tucked away in the LB called Ma n' Pa's. Just up on Colorado. Literally set in a neighborhood. House on this side...house on that side. Walk inside...a feel of home-love. Little market diner. Home-made beef/turkey/chicken jerky (sorry vegan friends). All things adorable in there. Well, coming from me. The girl that twines, and all things natural run through. Check it out. Bill and I ordered a sinful lunch. Too sinful to say. lol. Sat outside while they bbq'd it up...and brought out to their backyard patio...(with a little waterfall trickling away near by)... Can I get an awwwwww? Any hoot. Check it out. Any peeps living remotely close. Go. You will love. or like. or both. You won't be dissappointed. AND...they have a good choice of brews. yum.
What a beautiful Sunday it's been. I've been doing my normal prep for the week routine. I managed to lay outside in the sunshine. Called an Aunt I wanted to get caught up with. Planted 2 new Lavendar plants. Watered and pruned the adorable veggies Kris and Lizo planted. Read a magazine. Forced Kali to go to the Dairy (drive-thru)...with me. By the way, I think Dairies rock. It's that one thing I hope doesn't dissappear soon. Something tells me with time it might. For now? I love em. Organic hormone free gallon please. Simple. That's it. Love it. Just to pull up, guy comes up..with a huge smile...you order. He hands it. Pay and drive off. So cute. Kris just got home. We are in. Laundry almost done. Dinner's planned. Lunches planned. Just one thing I dread. Springbreak is officially over. Time to get back in the grind. As I told my Aunt....it's times when you feel overwhelmed. Overstressed. Tired and burned out. You must remind yourself. Life is hard. But it's soo good. April is a great month. I turn 42 on Tuesday. Raise your hand if I've ever told you I love my birthday. I really do. There's something about being a birthday girl. 4:24 am April 17th. Lisa born to Mike and Pam. With no name for a week. Smiles to them. Giggles to my sister. How did I reach 42 so quick? Bring it. Cheers. Safe travels to all. Warm good mornings to you too. Ciao!
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