Gianni and Kali
With a weather forecast calling for low 80's on the beach...we couldn't resist our "Sittin' on the dock of the bay" mode. Kali and I had a date night Friday night...(oh how I cherish those...especially now with her busy social/soccer life). Bill and I sat dockside with a yummy dip and 2 margarita's. Just us.

Funny trying to take a picture of us.
Bill and I were asked to be part of this scheme. Of course WE JUMPED at the opportunity to do so....
The theme this year is The Hunt...kind of like "cat & mouse".."cheetah & hunter...etc.....Don't really know how else to explain it..Kali's plan before asking Gianni was "cop & robber". She's the cop...he's the robber. I had more cute ideas...but she insisted on this. She then asked her brother to make this ticket for her...and so he did. Her plan: For Bill and I to head over to the restaurant...put the ticket on his dash, and the sign on his plates. Their dinner reservations were at 6:00pm. We headed that way...had dinner ourselves close by DIFFERENT restaurant...and when she gave us the "green light", we did as she asked. I also was told, DO NOT come near, or in the restaurant. Under NO exceptions. HAHA! And to NOT hang out. I promised her. We'd go, do our task and leave.
The question.
Creating more fun memories.
All done. We weren't told NOT to take pictures. She knows ME better than that. With no questions asked. I will always take pictures....Note: The person that wanted to park two rows over until they came out? Her Dad! read this right. HE DID. I insisted she'd hear the truck start up. I'd get the blame....and so we headed home. She wanted to take her little group out in the little boat...for a ride, on a perfectly warm mild night. We went home, got the boat loaded with blankets...and set the music for her.....So cute to see them cruise off. Never did I imagine that day. Ever. So funny. Her driving her boyfriend off in that little boat. Sighhhh
This picture I caught the next morning made me crack up. The city trimmed all the trees across the harbor...sooo trimmed back. No home for the Egrets. No more nests. No more families of the many bird families that lived there....They were all gone. Back in October. Gone. Well...They're baaaaack... HAHAHA- My love for birds will always be. Every summer we watch them come and go with our binoculars...looking forward to that this summer too....
We woke on Sunday with even better weather. Talk about amazing. Bill, Kali and I headed over to our favorite little spot Woody's for breakfast. When you walk along the coast in the morning and you aren't cold at 9am, you know the day is gonna be perfect....and so after breakfast we headed out to the sand....just to say hello to Catalina....
And because I was dressed to work out...I decided to run along the beach to the jetty. Get that breakfast burning....I ran. Along side this dude. So sweet....

Once I reached the end...or close to, I look over and he caught a fish. The delight in his face.

One of my favorite birds....They were feasting too....
Many surfers out...NO WAVES OUT!
Just these yittle ones....
The view to Catalina...and Palos Verdes on a clear sunshiny Sunday...the perfect way to kiss the weekend goodbye...another reason to LOVE life. It's these little simple things.
When I got back from my little run....I sat down next to Bill,(Kali headed back home to study) and looked around. It always feels so good to sit on the sand next to him in the sunshine. I notice a "paddle out" memorial setting up camp. Flowers being brought to a table. Hugs given to eachother....Many many surfboards being set in the sand. A feeling of sadness lurked in the view from where I sat. I looked down, and seen this shell. It's a heart. I love heart rocks. Can you imagine a sea shell as a heart? I love anything from the Earth that naturally resembles a heart. I hope those people paddled out in the beautiful sunshine remembered the good times. I am sure there were many. I am sure they shed tears, and I know the ocean loved those flowers they brought. My wish for all of you... Remember to tell those you love, you do. Because sometimes you aren't given a second chance. Life is fast. Life is so fast. Happy Monday everyone....Another week, another day..and another chance to do what you can. Muah!
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