Last night Bill and I headed to Randy's "Border Run" Kick off party...Held down in Newport...we took it as a date night...and time to catch up with Randy and Carmen....

The Host & Hostess....Lots of planning....to arrive at the night....
Sail Race Meeting...going over the territory, water to cover..and safety questions with answers....

A packed house when we arrived.....

Staff prepared to answer questions.....

Exciting view of how it all starts...and where you end....

My sweets with Randy's sweets....

As we sit with them...people continue to come up with comments, questions, testimonials...little stories...I don't think Randy ate dinner....

Our friend Russ. Ready to take on the water...He took the shorter course...which is 10 hours long. Long course is 18 hours long. UGH! Sail boats are beautiful...but you can't catch Bill and I on them in sailing waters. OR we turn green...green green!

Carmen sponsored her friend Lisa with a new tank top!

Bill and I were on our way out....and looked over at a cute little pub across from the meet. Hmmmm.. Yes, let's go in for one. Bill and I both had early mornings. Soccer for me, and a drive into Mexico with parents for him.....

Home at 11pm, out by midnight...up at the lovely hour of 5:00am for me! It's these early mornings preparing for games in neighborhoods I am not too familiar with, that keep me up and out early. Waking up the little Miss was quite the task. She is so tired, and with her busy schedule and studies, she really likes to sleep in a little...and that only means to 7 for Kali. But waking her at 5:30? No Bueno.....

After arriving in the city of Anaheim, and finding my ever so favorite Starbucks, we played on a beautiful sunshiny morning. The perfect morning for soccer. We tied 0-0. We head back today at 2 for the second game of the day....and as I type, Kali is relaxing in bed...I'm blogging and doing my normal laundry routine, preparing meals for this evening, and tomorrow...I hope everyone is enjoying this awesome day. Can't ask for better temps. Not too hot, and not too cold. Cheers!
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