And so, I left that place. Heading home to my happy place. After taking a call from Kali, expressing that her and Tori were going shopping. ( happy she has her little stash of $ough)- I decided to sit in my happy place. Not looking out at my gardener, who is beyond too close to my car with the famous edger, and ignoring cat hair that currently lines my black cozy shorts I landed in. I am in my happy place. Blogging. Actually storing, and making disc's. For my children. And for me. My prize possessions. My children. My life. I love my life. I love Bill. I love everything I do, and have. Today I am not Superwoman. Nor do I care to be.
Kali and Tori popped in to change their clothes. I made them "Mommy's famous Fruit Smoothies" as a quick supermommy surprise. And they were off. Kali's last word as she walked out the door...what? Walked out the door... with keys in hand. Well. Tori's driving. Them. Strange yes. Yea, they have reached the stage of going to the mall. On their own. Strange. So strange. Anyway...her last words..."Mommy, are you seriously going through those pictures"? Yes. I am. Yes. Again.
Mommies are the memory keepers. Right? No more lost stories. These pictures make me smile. They take away all the yuckies from the day. Tomorrow will be a better day. I will make sure of that. I found these 2 pictures of K & K. One of Kris reminds me of the days before serious worries on his future. He tends to worry so much of material things. Future. Buying big things. Investments. Life. Marriage. Children.
Kali..the days before makeup. The days when I picked out her clothes. Her bathing suits. So ya, the pressures of academics. Serious sports. Boyfriends. Friends. When getting away and blasting across the lake in warm temperatures on a summer night made her smile by the simplicity.
happy tuesday everyone. I'm ok. I just HAD one of those days. Life is better now.
Just me.
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