Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Worldwide Sense Of HOPE.

Yesterday my social media scrolling slid past many many folks honoring World Cancer Day.  Parts of me have learned to back up from some of the following I've done.  
For healing.  For absence of the monster in my face. 

And then, it just happens. Over and over.  I see moms in hospital rooms standing next to their child. Politely asking for prayers from us. 

Those of us that have been there-- now looking at our screen thinking....oh my gawd, those days of beeping iv's. A puking kid.  A toss up of doctors each day.  Nurses that are good, but then some are greater.

The chapter and pages never go away.  In fact, they're inbedded in this mom forever.

I thought about all Kris has been through.  Those that I'm mentoring right now.  The C word will never go away.  It's just there.  It's our story. 

I kept thinking about how far we've come.  How nothing else really matters to me, as long as my kids are healthy and safe. 

World Cancer Day. 
My wish is we find a cure some day.  The leaps and bounds for a cure they've made for HIV/AIDS.  And yet there's such a mystery still in all the cancers.  All the different tumors and complications.

We all have a sense of HOPE.  In love.  In family.  In friends.  In the news someone will get today.

That phone call. 
That ER visit. 

May those in the fight, those that have fought, and those that don't even know they'll need to fight have a community around them to get through the journey. 

With love and gratitude...

This Mama Lisa

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