Friday, September 6, 2019


So, SO much sadness around us. So much evil. 

The one thing we can do, is practice the task of good deeds.

Spread kindness like it's glitter.  

I read a quote that said something along the lines "kindness is like glitter it spreads so easily and sticks to whatever it lands on"  (for the record, I CAN'T STAND GLITTER) but I like the analogy of spreading kindness.


It starts with us.


Last weekend we had a Facetime Appointment with our Transplant Doc.  (Dr. Sahebi)- A Friday appt. at 3:00pm, while away for the holiday weekend-  No problem!
One bird was bummed we couldn't go boating, then quickly put herself back in check as our reality is a new chapter. 
I'm forever amazed with technology.  The caring vibe of his doctor.  The mom that gets to add her two cents, while sipping a margarita.  Standing next to my boy we all fought so hard to keep alive. 
Shout out to for allowing this feature.




Good news -- we are eliminating his last Tacrolimus (immune-suppressor)  He still swallows 20 others a day, but we're headed in the right direction.  

Have a great yourself a favor, and just be kind.  

Smile at a stranger. 

Hold a door open. 

Help the elderly. 

Send silly text messages to those who get YOU.

And just love.

What's left of this world....

Trust me, one minute life is all flowers and pig-tails, and the next can be a complete nightmare.

Enjoy the most beautiful day of the week...


This Mama Lisa

PS- Don't get me wrong, I can go from kindness-glitter-spreader to ghetto-rip-your-throat-out in two seconds flat if you tailgate me or hurt my family---

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