Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Gentle Reminder.

Another reminder for you humans out there. 

This rolls right along with text messages. 

The universe will eventually present what is needed.....


I love my family.  And I love my friends.  But if it's not useful, don't send information about an ex-girlfriend to my kiddo, or myself.  

That's all folks. 

Not being rude, just being me. 

The water that has passed through on this river of change for all of us, is gone....
So let's let it be. 
And if you texted me, no worries, I still love you...it was just some salt on a cut after watching him stare down at the picture sent to him by a "friend" this morning as he filled his medicine tray with hundreds of life saving pills. 
I kept thinking "why would someone send him the picture of her standing in the ocean holding her belly" (He's been wanting a baby for years...)



And you're welcome for the reminder.

Hope it saves you some minutes the next time you want to send a message-

To anyone. Not just me.

Think reallll hard before you send a text.

ps.  By the way, Kris' ex-girlfriend Jen (whom I will always love for the days and nights she endured taking care of Kris while at his worse) is pregnant.  Not shocking, but not really expected either.  Is it our business? no.  Is it useful to send pictures to Kris for a reaction? no.  
Is it useful to send the gossip to his mama? no.  
The very last thing we all need is extra hurt, am-I right?

I'm too busy working my tush off moving mountains in this wild life. I hope you are too.


K, bye!

Full Moon Madness

And if you think I sound like a beyatch today, that's okay, I wallowed in tears and had to walk away from my desk as I realized Bill accidentally ate my leftovers for lunch today. 
You know, sometimes life just gets weird ....
I'm a giver and lover...and sometimes things just don't seem fair. 

And it will turn beautiful again soon enough...

This Fired UP Mama Lisa

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