Monday, February 16, 2015

Metal, Music and Motels-

First off, I'd like to say that this Valentines Weekend will go down in our history books as THE BEST-

I woke up on Saturday morning to coffee, and a little slice of sunshine. Bill ran over to his Dad's to cook a sweet little breakfast while I enjoyed some quiet time.  Hair, makeup, and a little time to read on the patio. Just me, and no "rushed" schedule.  Just the perfect start to a perfect day. 

Soon he'd return back home, and we'd be on the road to Palm Springs.  Landing here:
Dr. George's Car Show-  Over a thousand cars.  Covered in sunshine, with grass at your feet.  A nice crowd, with oldies playing in the background.  Stella beer in hand, and off we'd go---

We've been to many many car shows.  Some super big, and some super small.  This one will go down as a favorite. Look at this bad ass Merc!

Hey pretty girl!

Once a favorite, always a favorite- VW for life baby...

Big wet kisses baby...

slick dude right there...

Yes, please.


This blue is one of my favorites...

Picnic basket in the back filled with wine....

You can guarantee that we are headed back next year.  With our truck.  Until then, man...cheers to this event!

Proud to be an AMERICAN!

LOVE these gangsta cars.  Melt my soul. It sure melted that dudes soul. 

You often wonder how people feel that sold their cars back in the day to see them flourish again now.  How many people have kicked their own asses for letting some of these go. 

Love this clean color.  A reminder of a friend of ours that had one of these, only a fleetside, and popped his oil pan in Havasu at our gate.  One of the best laughs that weekend-for US.  When outta no-where a street sweeper would make his way through our complex.  We've NEVER seen that sweeper again since. HA! 
I'm laughing out loud right now just posting these!

And just like that, these dudes show up. 

 Anyway, moving on....Hey Mellow Yellow-----

Kristine Y., this was a tribute to "I Love Lucy"- Made me think of you....

The main idea of this little quick trip was a surprise from my lover-  Bill booked us out there for a concert to see "BAD COMPANY"-  We've never stayed out there, and he figured it would be the perfect little get-away.  Thought this last aisle was a real reminder of my LOVE for Bad Company, and just how much fun the next few hours would in fact be. 

Yes, Bad Co. We are comin' for ya!

This couple looked so cute cruisin' out in this sexy beast.  Swoon.
I can't wait to head back next year.  For any of our car and truck enthusiast friends, this show is a must.  Trust me- To walk around on fresh grass, cruise along under the sunshine....bliss!
We've always wondered what The Yard House was like in Palm Desert, and well, Steele, it was pretty good! Service was stellar. Those margarita's that fine dude made us, well..whew.
The entire week before heading there, Bill kept mentioning how when he was trying to book the room there was "nothing" else, and all the rooms were booked everywhere but here.  The Quality Inn. Motel--- So, of course me the hotel snob started freaking out.  Whatever you do, if you are a hotel snob, don't trip advise a motel or hotel of this magnitude.  You will have the weezies all week.  I didn't take my own pillow that goes with me EVERYWHERE.  I line the bathroom floor, I take wipies for the door knobs, and faucets.  I. AM.A.FREAK.   When we arrived, we both knew.  I just decided to NOT complain.  That little bottle of Hennessy on the bed was a perfect concert starter.  We go big! HA!
We also wondered if Paul would play any and all of Bad Co. songs.  

He didn't disappoint.  Being front row will always be the way to my heart.  HA! And lungs.  Even though the guy to our right asked the girls next to us to "please sit down"-  
Who in the hell on this Green Planet would EVER sit their butts down AT A CONCERT!  A Bad Company concert.  Where the entire place was singing and dancing.  WHO?!  Freak.  He needed to return back to the library.   Bye Bye Felicia.  Bye!

"I'm ready for LOVE"  
 BEST concert honey, THANK YOU!  After the concert that night as we headed out back into the smokey casino-ew- we pass by this venue night club that we hear our dance music from the eighties.  Immediately I made a sharp turn to my right and landed at a seat for two.  Where we ended our night dancing until 2am. HA!  Don't worry kids, we'd soon be at Jack-n-the-box ordering tacos, fries, cokes, burgers. Double HA!

Here's where silly gets silly. For those that know me, "hello Kris and Kali" know that I have an extremely silly smart ass side.  But more silly than smart ass.  As we arrived back to our ghetto shelter for the night, Bill turned to close our door, but the door wouldn't shut.  After several attempts.  Shoves, pushes, slams, and finally a swift kick- THE.DOOR.WOULD.NOT.SHUT.   So, I decide to call The Front Desk.  As I start to explain "um, hi, we're in room 226...then blahhhh hahhaaahaha"  I couldn't finish.  I started laughing so hard that I tried to hand the phone to Bill, who is laughing with me.  Long story short, of my laughter induced call that had to finally just hang up and chalk it up as "that lady is crazy in room 226"-
We slept with JUST THAT LITTLE METAL CLAMP THING TO KEEP IT CLOSED!  We are on the second story right where the ghetto stairs meet the top.  In Indio people.  I.N.D.I.O-  Asleep at 3, and awake at 6.  We hightailed it home.  To our own big ol' bath tub, and cozy bed.  Life would be much better in two hours.  As of yet, the manager hasn't returned my call.  Don't worry -  I haven't got to the bottom of that yet. Although that laugh will go down as another freak move on my part.  Just look at that door!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Thank you Bill for such a fun day and night away.  Partying with you will always be my favorite.  The few things we love in this life is music, metal, and making out. jk.  totally just kidding- well not really, but man what a weekend!  I hope you all have a great week.  Do what you love, and be true to YOU-


Book a concert, and go DANCE.  If you sit, we can't be friends-

Big love, 
This Seagull who flies...and got stung by cupid- boom.


And remember you CAN survive in a motel, especially with me and laughter. 

PS. For any of my Bad Co. friends, guess where he's playing next?  Doheny Music Festival on May 16! (Michelle Ramirez, in your hood girl!)
I say, let's saddle up and GO-  come on you little shooting stars! 

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