Another Friday upon us kids. Hopefully all of your hard work has paid off. Or most important a tad bit peaceful for you, because you made it. For me, my entire week was full at work, yet peaceful at night. It's funny how I plan out my week to roll out one way, and yet if I just let the days unfold the way they should, the outcome is most often in my favor. Many thanks to Mr. Full Moon, for passing us this month. Thank you thank you-
I've done more organizing. More purging of "things" in cupboards that I've had a hard time parting with. My hoarding ways are usually sentimentally guided. Hello-all the school paintings, papers, elementary, high school- Hello old birthday cards, love cards, Christmas cards from years past, that still melt me. I mean, is it even hard for you too just toss these things in the trash? Not to mention I have Christmas cards from friends and family that show them on a beach, or on a pier, or nestled up on some tree stump, that spell "sweet and happy"- How do you just toss em?! I sat there with the most adorable painting Kris did in elementary school of a fish. The whole scene was underwater. It's actually really beautiful- Part of me wanted to frame it for him. He can use it in a living room, or he can use it in his son/daughter room one day. Then that painting was moved over to my "lemme figure these out"- I drafted more paperwork for my littlest-All college related stuff.(Which by the way she's already swimming in mid-terms-One last Thursday she fretted would be a D or slightly better- Today's morning text to us " PSYCH test 90 " Proving again, her hardest class might be an ace in the hole. So big fat boom there. So between trying to purge and actually cleaning are coming together.
What to do with her crown?
They gave her two. They are beautiful, and they are packaged perfect. But what to do?
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What about this Del Taco Congrats note? Trash? Scrapbook- |
I now have an organized method of sending birthday, anniversary, get well...etc cards. So that's awesome.
Don't be too surprised if you get a card from me. It's my new happy hobbie- ha.
Bill and I balance a week full of many things. Sometimes I look back at our weeks, or the month prior and think "wow" I am amazed of our strength, and determination. I really am.
Many mornings we begin them with a tight hug and "you've got this honey"- Usually we do. And even if one or the other is fighting a shit storm, one is strong enough to remind the other. So that helps.
I've been missing my parents again. A whole heck of a lot. It's funny as you get older and nurture your birdies that you soon look back at your parents and their path. It's makes you scratch your head that you don't visit as much. Or if I'm keeping it real, they don't visit us. I get it. It's who they are. There are plenty of things that keep them up there, and me down here. But I miss them. One trait I inherited from them-----Independent.
Anyway, fell off topic here: I just miss them. And sometimes texting, and phone calls are just not enough.
These two love-bugs are still the best of friends- Bucks and Marley- |
So with that, I dedicate this song to them. Not for the words. But it takes me back to camping at Seven Oaks, as our Dad played the loudest music in the entire camp ground. He was the "coolest guy" at camp. We just didn't think so. But this song.
Boy oh boy this song.
Silver Blue Gold-
Dad, this song brings chills on my arms. It reminds me of you playing your guitar and singing it.
Praise this verse to your littles- Especially high school age. Shit is real.
Joan Didion------
“I’m not telling you to make the world better, because I don’t think that progress is necessarily part of the package. I’m just telling you to live in it. Not just to endure it, not just to suffer it, not just to pass through it, but to live in it. To look at it. To try to get the picture. To live recklessly. To take chances. To make your own work and take pride in it. To seize the moment. And if you ask me why you should bother to do that, I could tell you that the grave’s a fine and private place, but none I think do there embrace. Nor do they sing there, or write, or argue, or see the tidal bore on the Amazon, or touch their children. And that’s what there is to do and get it while you can and good luck at it.”
― 1975 commencement address at the University of California, Riverside
To think this was 1975- When our kids are enveloped with social media nowadays-
Enjoy your wet weekend and go dance in the rain--
Be safe, and be true.