Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Take It Easy

As we arrived at our friends house to celebrate the life of Dave, I was a tad bit nervous.  Even as this was our 3rd funeral in the last couple of months, I was nervous.  We had soaked in the pool all day. Reminiscing of Dave.  We also talked about life.  And how fast it is. We actually mention this to each other quite often.
How in the last couple of months we've watched friends lose spouses, and how we've watched pain reach the top of the meter.  How unfair life can be.  We question religion, and wonder why can something so good turn out so bad- We spoke about Heaven. And after life.  Is it out there?  Can they see us?  Can they feel the love?  Is Heaven so terrific that it has to pull the good ones?  Is there a line you cross, and end up seeing all our old friends?  Family up there...or the great animals that have left us.  I often wonder.  Are there signs they leave us? 
To see his car sitting there was utterly heart wrenching.  Like take a little knife and stick it in the hearts of all.
We appreciated that car sitting there.  A small part of me kind of felt like he was there. As if we'd see that cute smile and his cute nose walk in the room. 
That we'd hear Rina laugh so hard and loud while reaching for another Coors light.  Or sitting at the races watching her stare at that blue car, while she adjusted her head phones to hear him out there.  His kind and loving ways reached out from Van Nuys, to Lost Lake, to Havasu.  There was a massive amount of love that filled these rooms.  
Our friend Debbie's band played for the group.  His sister from another mister (opening her home for this event).  Watching her on the key board playing for Dave.  The love flowing from that key board.  I felt it.  We all felt it. 

As the music played, and people got their party on, a few got up to speak.  Those few were strong if you ask me.  I've always admired anyone that can get up and speak at a funeral, or celebration of life.  It's actually really awesome. One of the guys that got up, too choked up for a second, but soon cheered on by everyone.  Had some funny things to say. As hammered as he was, one thing that cracked me up "he made my boat go so fucking fast"-  the last part of fuck slurred.  Truth to that, his hands created master pieces in the motor department.  
Another gentleman got up.  An older guy that kind of watched Dave grow through the years.  Growing in ways of age, and yet growing in age of establishment, and commitment to his racing.  In business and in life.
His commitment to friends and love, but most importantly his racing.  That man loved to make fast left turns.  He loved his time out there.  It was obvious that he was successful.  In racing, and in loving many people.
A friends boat not running for the river that day?  He wasn't gonna let that slide.  They'd be up in no time.
Dave.  That was Dave.  The other friend spoke of the word LOVE.  How as he watched Dave grow, he'd had many encounters with him and at departure would always tell him he loved him.  And he remembers the TWO times that Dave said "Love you" back.  He also mentioned this Eulogy poem.  About the DASH.
As the yard stood quiet, and the sound of the night buzzed around us, we listened.   Do yourself a favor, and read.  I know it's blurry.  But who cares.  If you can't read, find it and read it.
How will you fill your DASH?

Some dashes are filled sooner than others.  Some are robbed of this life too fast.  Some are given second, third and fourth chances.  Some out live others and we wonder why.  Why can they take these good fellows?
Why does suffering end in loss?

I do know that Bill and I are proud to have had the chance to meet Dave.  And Rina.
We will carry on our tradition and head to the track.  We'll always speak of him with the utmost respect.
He filled a DASH with power.  Where the extremes meet- Track-Cars-Fuel-Speed-and of course friendships.

If we can just feel that strong urge to have faith, and believe in ourselves that we are worthy.  To live this life.
To share love, and hugs with those that surround us.  To forget the pity-bullshit-every-day-stuff.
Trying to get ahead of everyone else.  Trying to out do the other.  Trying to win the war of whatever we are against.  It's about living today.  Our Dash.

As the tune that played before they all got up to speak played.....

"Take it Easy"  by The Eagles.-

Take it easy Dave.  Take it easy.  

We will always wave your checkered flag.  Waving it high.  You left your mark burnout here, you fine dude.

Have a nice Tuesday friends.  Do me a favor, actually do yourself a favor-

"Try and slow down enough.....to figure out whats true and real, and always try to understand what others may feel"

That's hard. If you think about it.  It is.

But considering what others may feel, and keeping your manners in check while out and about.

Spreading kindness and smiles especially to those in need.

Go get after it kids.  Remember to tell your friends what they mean to you.

Take it easy,


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