Monday, August 18, 2014

Waving goodbye to the last days of Summer-

Although Miss. Kali looks nakey here, she's not.  I promise.  They went camping to soak up the last days of summer.  The very last bit of warm sand, and long days.  The campfire she yearned so much for- The tent, the fire wood, the Smore's...the griddle her Uncle Wayne let her borrow to make "pancakes"- She just needed this little get away. 
She doesn't remember the last time we were there.  She was 5 and her bro was 12.  She has no memory of the raccoons eating our entire breakfast and lunch while we slept.  She doesn't remember the frustration she caused Kris and I, as she made her way in and out of the tent, with dirty feet.  She doesn't remember that while her brother surfed, she complained the entire time that the beach hurt her feet.  Yes, San O' is a rocky beach.  She doesn't remember that her brother took so long out in the water that she began to cry for me to hold her.

She doesn't remember that in the middle of the night when she had to tinkle, we'd walk to the brick and morter public bathrooms with a flash light, about 1/4 mile down the way. She doesn't remember that although her Mom was being a trooper by taking them camping in the first place, she only lasted one night. No need to fret kids, my boy was done surfing the washed out waves anyway.  So it was a win win.  I couldn't scoot my little old VW Jetta down the 5 fast enough.  Home to wash off all the grub.  Kali, I certainly hope an imprint over rode the memories we made. 
Even when she can't recall.  You see, I camped at numerous camp sites growing up.  In all conditions.  You name it, we did it.  We camped up in Seven Oaks one Spring time weekend, and woke to snow over our "pup tent" making the tent rest on my sister and my noses.  My parents slept in our brown van.
We camped along rivers, we camped at beaches, and most always roughed it with our Dad out in Red Rock canyon where showers and TOILETS didn't exist.  And WE LOVED it. 
Guess what?  This Mama doesn't camp well anymore.  As a matter of fact, if there isn't a trailer, please don't even invite me. ha.
And so, our babies camped.  They laughed, they met new friends. They walked the beach and took it all in.  Gianni made those rocks above.  For her. For them. 
Summer is beginning to wave good-bye.  As much as I don't want it to end, there is a little tiny slice of me that is ready.  There is something brewing in side of me for change.  I am ready.  
In just a few more days I will give Kali one more big pep talk, and a famous college good bye hug.  And even though she's not too far, it's all hard.
They say it's supposed to be quick, like ripping off a band-aid.  I say you can "suck-it"
Besides, I don't rip band-aids off, I'm one of those that wants to take a shower and get it soft, peeling it slowly.

I wish I could lie to you all and say I am ready and this is AWESOME, but deep down, really deep down, I am so nervous. 

I am proud.
I am ready.

These days I can't get back, and so for the next few, I will bow out.  To finalize finalize things.


Love and peace to you all.

Be good, or stay home.  Just don't get in my way-------->

This Mama Lisa

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