Wednesday, August 13, 2014

If you feel it.

I don't know about you, but I follow the path of full moons.  We all know that by now. 
It's beauty and glory, but most of all it's fierce pull with everything. 

I feel like I dodged the bullet last weekend when it lit up the sky so bright, giving us another tide so high you could jump over the dock holders like leap frog.  Just amazing. 

Today, something happened.  I felt it yesterday. 
While on the phone with my parents, things took a turn. A call that I easily had to end because the heat crawled up my back like a spider up a wall. 

Sometimes my stubborn ways get the best of me, or maybe we can call them asshole moments. Or maybe not.  Who knows.

A cold day in hell will happen when people TRY to tell me how to do things.  Especially after being on my own since seventeen.  Don't even try. Sorry, not sorry, stubborn yes.  Naive? no. The topic in case you wonder? That I need to let Kali pack and organize all her dorm stuff. ooooo k.  ha.  I won't name names, but they created me.  Really?  Now, REALLY? 

And so the asshole that I am, I woke up the same way.  It's not just me, it's other creatures that have crossed my path.  Maybe a vendor, maybe a customer....shoot, maybe even someone I truly truly love.

I will take the title as lead asshole today, but I just promised myself just now, that I need to exhale, and let the energy of those affecting me to leave.  I can't control the words from others that offend me.  Family or not. I can't-  And as I preach to my kids.  "It is what it is"  and the ever so famous "This too shall pass"-

And if we crossed paths yesterday or today and I came off like a fart head, I'm sorry.

Peace to you all. 
Good luck Mad's.  I can't wait to come up and sip wine in yo hood.  You too, will move mountains.


It's not goodbye little one, it's just see you a little later.....
Don't you worry your little self, us mama's are planning a trip up to you.....

This Mama Lisa

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