Thursday, May 15, 2014


At little things like this in life...

Super cute things...


Twenty seven months.

Finding these on your car cherishing those twenty seven months.
Because twenty seven months is a pretty big deal. 

Especially when you look around at the petty things.

Or the big stressful things.

Or the financial things.

Or the planning of things.

It all just trickles to a halt when you see stuff like this.

At least for me.

Notes.  Big or little.  Tokens of love, whether it's twenty seven months, or twenty seven years.

It means something.

Remember, not big and fancy.  But small and worthwhile.

They don't have to be roses. 

They can be hand picked.  With a note.  Laid somewhere unexpected.

Try it.  For your kids. For your friend.  For your lover.

For you, and for them.  Do it.  Always leave a compliment behind. 

There was also a note.  I snapped a shot, yet realized that space isn't mine to share.  

Cheers to Thursday.  Cheers to twenty seven months. 

Would you look at this beauty of a smoothie?  


 Big love, 

This Mama Lisa

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