Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Celebrations for our littlest.

It all basically started for us on Tuesday.  Jetting away from our office like two little sneaky mice.
Just a day or two for ourselves, knowing the fun zone would soon be in front of us. 
Catching some river water in our toes, and soon moving on....
The few things I needed was a day to clean.  A day to shop to fill that fridge. A day to decorate. And a day to put some sun on my ever so white legs.   My little prayer as I laid on my towel in our quiet back yard was "Just get these babies here safely".....The first time they would venture on their own. No parents.  Their own trucks.  Navigating down that long highway together....On a holiday weekend....
They soon would roll in. And we'd pack up for Pirates Cove on Friday.  

Captain Daddy.

These dudes...

A wonderful group of kids.

Mad Jake.

Mac Dut

Fried Pickles first? Yes please!
Our delivered surprise was yet another new phone.  The latest and greatest...delivered with lunch on the platter. ha!

Perfect seating.  
At the perfect place.  A little tradition or sorts.

 Love birds.
 As we pulled away Kali could only watch those luminous clouds. Me too.

But we made it back home....perfectly fine.  Soon, Bill and I would be preparing to BBQ Burgers for the munchkins.
Morning would peek at us sooner than later. 
I'd prepare a breakfast buffet, and we'd head back out on the boat.
Her happy place.

The Channel- Memorial Day 2014-  Interesting enough, this absolutely did nothing for this group. Kind of shock and awe, but wanting a more simple spot. 
So off to our little cove we'd go.

Where we saved dragon flies. 

After rescuing him from the water, and drying his wings out....he'd soon fly back off....
And she was a happy camper....

It's interesting looking at these smiles.  The pictures.  These kids.  Within months they will all span out to different colleges.  Long Beach, Santa Barbara, San Marcos, Central Coast, to Texas.
This is a grin of one tired mama.

We'd get home, clean up and end up here. Party of 16 please!

Bill made the CUTEST slide show of Kali.  From baby to now.  As she opened gifts it played.
The thing that was so cute to me were the many thoughtful gifts.  "Thoughtful", meaning each little thing she really wanted, whether it was these vans, or the little accessories she loves.  The makeup that Mackenzie bought her and labeled each one with "how-to's" attached.  I mean, just soooo cute!

The little teal Tiffany box appeared......

A necklace with his initials to adorn her little neck.  ha. are such a loving thoughtful soul.
The highlight of some parts of their day was playing cards.  Spoons to be exact.  Talk about laughter rolling through their souls.
And this game we have outside.  Where Darren and Gio would. not. give. up.  Competitiveness flows through their blood.
Someone is stoked on a house full. ha!

The weather was PERFECT.  Highs in the low 100's-

We had no drama.  We had no issues.  These kids were everything a hostess would want. 
They helped.  They loved. They smiled and laughed hard.  The time we spent together will be one we will never forget.  The moments of boating, sunshine, breakfasts', lunches and dinners.  All together.  We did it. Chapter Eighteen never looked and felt so good.  I am proud of them.  The friendships she's made on her journey through young adult hood has made us proud.

I can't wait to see how these next chapters unfold.

I received notes from their parents.  Money donations (Thank you Susie you little sugar read "boat gas money") notes from Shelly, along with dough and an amazing bottle of vino- Notes and more donations from Mac/Cindy- Notes that I have stashed away in our little scrap book.
Text messages from Darren's Mom along with more dough, thanking us for our hospitality.  That he had an amazing time.
Many thank you's from Gianni who is our little rock, as always.

Hugs and lots of love from Kali.

Happy Humpday kids.  My little girl turns 18 tomorrow, and I can't begin to tell you how weird that sounds.

I mean, EIGHTEEN?!

Big love,


ps. Now I'm off to the mall with all that dough we received.  hahaha! juuuuust kidding!

I have tons more pictures.  Too many to post.  But many to keep in our folders to look back on someday.

Excuse any spelling or grammar errors.  I am still trying to clear my desk, and answer the many questions I receive on the daily at my desk.

Is it Friday yet??

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