Saturday, November 23, 2013

I always hoped....

Deep down when you are a Mama, you hope that you've instilled goodness into your children.
You hope that being respectful, and kind are first on their list.
Money will find it's way if they are taught to work hard, and to take care of themselves first.
You hope the many moments that have been twisted by their careless actions will straighten themselves out.
And usually they do.

You hope that they can find themselves in this big scary selfish, greedy world.
That they still continue to keep their kindness, and respectfulness.
My son has always been a love so deep for me, from the minute they placed him in my arms.
I would walk around the world for him.  And with him.  Sometimes that has been a handicap to him.  Trust me.
We started our life together young.

I always hoped and tried to be a good Mama.
As he ventured through high school, he had mohawks.  But  had awesome grades. He rode bikes with friends that he still holds close today.  He has covered his body in tattoos. He tried on younger occasions to talk me into some piercings. The answer was always "no".  Yet he would push.
There were moments he'd try to push my weak side, yet I never gave in.
There were moments that he'd witness my very tough side.
Same with his friends.  That boy knew better than to ignore curfew or my wishes.  He just did.

He walked with the craziest of them, and has made this Mama worry like no other.
He is the first to help an elder, and the best sales person we've ever had.
He is kind, and he is gentle. He never sees race, religion, color, or wealth in a person.  Ever.
Treat him with respect and kindness, and in return you receive the same, plus love and a silly lifetime friendship.
I have always hoped that he will find what makes him happy.
I remember years ago, I'd hope he would end up taking care of his body first, and partying second.
This is the boy that wouldn't really eat a salad with his family, but he also never indulged in candy or sweets.
He loves mexican food, and he loves meat and potatoes.  But veggies and a gym?  Not heard of.

As of late, this dude goes to the gym every single day after work.  He takes care of his body like he should.
He eats salads for lunch.  He enjoys watching what goes into his body.  I've watched him head down to a juice bar on his lunch to enjoy a veggie smoothie.  It makes my heart full.
As he comes home from the gym after a day of work, his body is happy, and so his soulful spirit is too.
It makes my heart full.

His recent passion...
After the gym, he heads to the water side.  
It's all about "Catch-n-Release" .......and the time on the water.  With your best friend, and hot tea, with these new lures. I mean, life couldn't be better. 
And then this comes into the picture....boat + salt water close by = good fishin.
As he mentioned to me, this little confinement is better for him than any bar.  Catching and releasing what is out there in that water will keep him full of life.  It will keep him attracted to what makes this world a better world.  Enjoying water.  Enjoying long talks with your best friend.  Saving to buy something that will make you happier.  
And for that, I am proud.  Especially when my Grand-Doggy has a warm jacket for those boat rides.  
A warm jacket, with a hoodie?  I mean, stop it.

These little days that lay in front of me answer some of my toughest questions that cross my path in the middle of the night.


They are working.

Because I always hoped for this healthy, safe side of him to come around. 

Kris, you make this Mama very proud.  Keep on keepin' on.  And kickin bass!

Happy Saturday Sucka's


BIG Love, and wishes for more fishes, just for you my fine slice of boy.  Just for you.

This Mama Lisa

1 comment:

erica @ to the sea said...

Aww! This makes me so excited to have a son of my own soon. :)