Friday, June 7, 2013

This life.

And celebrating the life of these couple of sweet beautiful friends of mine...
Happy Birthday Maria. Happy Birthday Roxanne....You are beautiful.  In every way.
Only person missing in this pic is my buddy Carmen.  She was there.  And my camera battery died.  #blurry 
It was a night surrounded by good friends.  Good food.  And amazing sunsets.  Those lightly planned nights that turn out so perfect. Long Beach Yacht Club Wine Wednesday you are so good to us.  Cheeseburgers and paradise, that's for sure.  

She's my rock at times, and she doesn't even know it. 
This dude landed in Urgent Care this week.  Way under the weather.  Won't eat.  Won't walk far.  Looks like a tummy ache. After receiving 2 shots, and meds for home.  He will get better.

Kris said "Man Mom, when it rains it pours".....

And I said, yes, it seems like that, it does.

But these bad days are far and few.  The good days will always outshine the harder ones.

And to always remember someone else has it ten times worse, somewhere in this world. 

Let's look for better days. More sunshine and happy times.

Bucksie will get better.  With Grammie at his paws....and organic chicken broth  He will get better. 

Happy Friday Fart heads.

Live for today, and eat well.

Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. 

So for now, be good, or be bad.  Just have fun while you're doing it.

Capture this life in digital.  Snap snap away....and remember to say "sorry" if you think you should.
Squash the squabbles.  It's worth it-



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