Saturday, November 10, 2012

And so the germs spread.....ready for a photo dump?

And so the virus caught her by the tail.  Today.  Saturday.  She missed her game.  She is in bed. With fever, while bro kicks the tail end of this virus in the ass, she has been caught.  Do I pray it allows a little mercy on her?  hell yes.  Do I appreciate that it's a virus, while I know more bigger things exist in the world? Yes.  But a Mom will never cease to worry when her little birdies are sick.  She never will.  Ever.  Kris has been to urgent care twice.  Kali is down full of advil.  I. Am.Freaking.Out.  Yes, everything's been bleached.  Yes I am pacing.  More like cleaning, and organizing.  That's what I tend to do when my peeps are sick.  And drinking lots of water.  And margarita's, as of now.  Boom. 

Hello Los Al United team. Chino field day. 

Why did the years fly by?

Really.  Mr. Hot bod. lol.  Sorry Bub.  Good smile for mama right now.

When you spent the weekend, even in the most dust you'd ever swallowed, smelt, breathed, tasted happened, but it didn't matter because it was with friends that are two amazing souls.  Good people right there.  In our world of biz, yet one hundred miles apart.   Want some good parts installed in Hesperia?  Toys for Trucks.  Find em, you won't be dissappointed.  Trust me kids. 

New Years Eve, poppin a squat 2011.

Our home so close, yet so far.  #wheredid5yearsgo?

Those moments. 

Last day in a private Christian School saying goodbye to friends in 6th grade.  What a day.  One she will never forget. I am very sure of. 

Because some friends move out of the country.  And some lose their mom to brain cancer within 3 years.  And you just remember those moments together.  As I look at this picture it breaks my heart.  Because this very hug would never understand the concept of what hugs would come some day.  (I also recommend, while on the subject, if you can, take pictures of their classrooms, even at this age, they love to look back at their memories...and classrooms, and friends.  Well, we all know I am a weirdo, but I took pictures of her books, locker, classrooms, and church.....)  Someday.  They do like to look back.   Take my advice. Snap away fellers, and fellas. 

Campfire days.  At Libby Lou's.  Fashion Island.  Yes, that's my little senorita in her pretty skirt in front.  #lovethis.

I only added this picture to show how short my hair was.  I went through a phase.  Bill loved it.  NOT.  Anyway.  One might wonder how I have long hair.  How it happened? How I do it.  Etc. Maybe not.  Some people think I have extensions.  Which kind of sucks at times,  because I wish taking care of real frizzy hair was remotely close to having some put in.  Trust me.   I wish.  Anyway, I take prenatals, which I have since I stopped nursing at Kali 11 months.  I have never stopped.  It's just a good vitamin.  And yes it does help hair growth.  TMI?  Sorry.   Maybe you wonder, maybe you don't. 

Chapter 17

This picture will forever make me smile.  When she didn't realize this hero is her hero.  Even now at Chapter 16. 

Tantalums used to offer Smores.  We'd jam over in the big boat.  Fast.  Kali would/could tie up a boat better than most of our friends.  And we'd enjoy this.  Smores for her.Wine for me.  Food for Dad.  And more wine for me.  HAHA! Look at her little face. Where did the years go? 

This will forever go down as the best smile I have of Kris.  Seriously in the teen years.  So unplanned.  All real.  Chapter 16.  No tattoos.  All summer fun.

And you have those memories of family traveling all. the. way to the lake to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.  Good times. 

Here's our babies.  Before they grew up to head off to the Airforce Academy.  Pace University in New York. Teens driving and little ones that are now in High School and Middle school.  Wow.  #slowtheclockdown.

No tattoos.  One happy Mom.

Yes, of course little ones, you can run the jacuzzi while the rain comes down.  You know I will never care. Ever.  Ask Dad? He'll give you a different perspective. Every.  Single.  Time.  #lifeistooshort. #askmom

My first birdie.

Family.  Good stuff.  Who brought out the Patron?

Some of my first memories of Chocolate Covered Cherry Martini's.  I may or may not stopped at 2.  #trouble.#lookatthoseeyes

Kali was stoked that she had to dance with this homeboy.  Nice photobomb Mom.  Get it girllllll.... #CABO

Those late nights arriving in Havasu.  Golf Cart rides with the parents.

I really love this picture of me.  Don't know why.   Just do.   Kind of represents me. 

Him too. 

Jo, I love you kid. Always will.  Always. 

Thanks for enjoying my photo dump.  What a day.  What a weekend. Nothing as I thought it would be.  But things happen.  Kids get sick.  Mom's are the nurses, and structure to sick households.  That's ok.  They can get through it.  I will too.  Carmen is cooking some German food for us tonight.  Yes, I will leave K for a couple hours.  She can sleep away. Us terrible parents will enjoy a good meal.  I need it.  We need it.   Don't say I didn't warn you about this nasty bug.  Wash yo hands players.  This stuff is like a monster.  It sneaks up and bites. Hard.   We'll talk Monday? I certainly hope so.  If you don't hear from me.....well, the bomb dropped.  On me.  Seriously, pray for me. Just heard Beach girls won 3-0 today.  Now THAT is good news.  BEACH GIRLS YOU DID IT! 

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