Friday, November 2, 2012

And just like that.

These two would cram pumpkin carving in.  #thenightbefore.

Between soccer, baseball, training, studies, and a busy teen life.  They carved.  And mistreated her cat.  Note: Hannah does not like to carve.  End of story.#yeswespoilouranimals

But he does. 

And she likes pumpkin seeds that Dad brought home.  Seeds + Carving =  Silly gross smiles. 

His Mama told Kali, Gio never could stand the pumpkin guts.  We all watched him "man-up" and through this part.  Cute. When you are in Chapter 17 you can't ask Mama to clean out the pumpkin. 

She didn't do a great job at gut removal.

Finished project.  Tired. Nine o' clock.  But mission accomplished.  Boom.

To wake up and dress like a dude.  Happy Halloween.

Oh, and when all of your friends, and the entire Varsity Girls Soccer dress up like boys?  Good stuff.  Good stuff right there.  hmm. Dress like tramps or boys?  Boys, much better.  Good job sillies. 

The cutest trick-o-treater that I caught.  Halloween was a little different this year.  My normal tradition of cooking, getting the candy ready, pouring good glasses of wine, weren't the norm. 

Because B was prepping to head here.  On a flight.  seventeen. long. hours.  red-eye

To here.  First rodeo.  First big trip.  First time being this far from each other, not to mention longest time.  I miss him more than words can type.  I managed to tuck some notes in his luggage.  I managed to not cry upon departure.  Funny how moments of nervousness create more jitters than tears.  At least for me.  It wasn't until I got on the freeway last night.  I couldn't remember if we kissed or not.  He called me once through customs.  He said "of course we kissed".  duh Leese.  Duh.  HAHA! I can't wait to see the pictures.  I said "I want pictures B, and you know...I WANT pictures of everything...and everywhere.."  Memory keeper I hope he shall be.  He is traveling with a partner whom does this trip often. Along with a private driver.  So he is in good hands.  He will be just fine.  I will be fine.  I will stay stay tuned fellers.  And happy Friday.  Happy flippin Friday!  I promised to stay down and in on a Friday night.  Cross your fingers I can make that promise happen. #friendtextingwithinvitescouldchangethat.   I am actually really tired.  I need to stay in.  And be quiet and still.  I do.   Count down until my other little birdies come home from Vegas.  It's so good when your family is all home under one roof.   Candles, how I have missed you.  xo 

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