Seriously this stuff cracks me up. Walked into my office this morning past this dude. shouldn't there be a reward? I mean, come on, that is one important element in here right now. Black Friday sale was through the roof top and the dust pan is really killing things. come back dust pan. come back. HA Now on to things that turn my stomach? Up at 5am. Sipping my coffee in a quiet dark house. Turn the news on. I hear....LA Jails are full of Teachers Accused of misconduct. And GUESS what? While some wait during the process, some still receive a salary while on administrative leave, which is costing our cities and counties close to 1.4 Million. An additional 865,000 in substitute salaries while they are pardoned from their duties as teachers. Now don't get me wrong, as I understand some teachers/coaches/peers are mistakenly accused, and trust me, I feel for ya. Well, kind of. But those other SOB'S that have molested, touched, guided children down a path of violations? They can rot in a dungeon if you ask me. This morning was a gloomy one. It was a cold, dreary, gloomy one. As I drove off down the road after dropping my K off, I was flooded with tears. Flooded with emotions. Some might be fatigue. Some might be the weather, and the full moon. But little things trigger me. And if it has anything to do with kids, animals, family..etc, it floods me with emotions. So I will look at the above sign today as much as I can. It will make me smile. It will remind me that dust pans do matter. That life is fast. And we should enjoy being here while we can. I have a few people in my life that are battling some gnarly stuff. It's a reminder people. Take it easy. Smile at the unfortanate. Don't judge, for you NEVER truly know what's going on. And life could always be much worse. Pray for my Dad. Pray for my Mom. And will you keep an eye out for Fatal's Dust Pan? Thanks. Love you all.