Friday, August 10, 2012

Who they are.

Who is this couple I call "My Aunt and Uncle"?  - Oh let me explain.  They were the ones that took me home on Friday's to babysit and work and hang out while teaching me a thing or two about life.  About babysitting.  About housekeeping and taking care of toddlers and little ones.  About the definition of love and treating eachother like you've just fallen in love.  Over and over again.  How kisses and hugs go much further than anger and hard words.  And babysitting?  Well....How you don't jaywalk across a major interstate while pulling them in the wagon.  How you always wipe their faces before any other part of their body.  How to cut up their fruit in tiny pieces preventing a choke.  How the normalcy of bedtime was quiet and still.  My Aunt and Uncle moved way way up north many years ago.  I still breath in the lessons.  I still live life by those lessons.  I keep in touch.  I am proud of their hard work.  Their marriage of over 30 years.  Their first love, never faded.  In love since their teens. And it still works?  Look above.   Married young, had three kiddo's.  And this is what evolves when your kids grow.  Miniature horses and baby horses.  Pictures courtesy of my cousin Mindi's Blog.  As I scrolled through these last night....uh oh.  Tears.  Just because pictures make emotions possible.  I love and miss you W and R.  You little lover-bugs.  Muah! xo

Mama horse had baby.  Last weekend.  Imagine the thrill of witnessing this?  Wow. 

No, seriously?  Wow. 

Thank you Min for letting me Bogart these pics.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  You made my weekend. 

Well, if I could order this.  That would make it even better.  Stay focused Leese.  There is so much to do this weekend.  and next. and next.  planning parties, more parties ragers, and back to school clothes shopping which I dread like going to the dentist.  aha.  Kidding not that bad.  But kind of close. Loud music, showing a cute blouse or shorts to a girl that raises her eyebrows than turns and walks to store to store...we go through it.  Well.  One day. it will be over.  So I will brace myself. 

Have fun this weekend sillies.  I am hosting August Birffdays at our beach love shack. Should be fun.  Because of the sun.  Because of kayaks and margarita's.  I can't wait.  I love to gather with family.  And the little kiddos.  Oh, and remember my trash toys that I found by the water side?  Yep. They might get to play with them.  they might.  if they're lucky.  We'll see.  

Love you, and you....and one big "CLANK" cheers to cold beers.

This girl.  Silly Mommy.  Who loves her Aunt and Uncle.  And thanks them often. 

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