Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Always, Sometimes, Never.....

I saw this awesome fun link at a favorite website of mine. I thought it would be fun to give it a here we go....

                                           Always / Sometimes / Never

I ALWAYS apply chapstick before I get into bed.


I NEVER drink milk from a glass or cup straight.  yuk.

I ALWAYS regret saying I'm sorry more when it was needed.

I SOMETIMES act really silly.

I NEVER go a day without telling my kids I love them.

I ALWAYS make my bed.

I SOMETIMES cry when I see parents hugging their children from a distance.

I NEVER try clothes on while shopping.

I ALWAYS prefer to shop alone.

I SOMETIMES become a beast when people hurt my children.

I NEVER say never.  Trust me.  

I ALWAYS crave a cocktail on Fridays.  

I SOMETIMES get my feelings crushed easily. (shark week. ha)

I NEVER fall asleep without drinking some H2O.

I ALWAYS stop and smell flowers.

I SOMETIMES get lonely when no one is around.

I NEVER will stop worrying about my kids.

I ALWAYS check my house in middle of the night if I wake. 

I SOMETIMES enjoy a few bites of a good steak.

I NEVER take things for granted.  

I always, always, always...have been inpatient.  ugh.  (read below)

Happy Wednesday Peeps.  Hope the day serves you well.  In exactly 20 hours (from now as I schedule my blog) I will give and get a huge sweet kiss from my sugarsnap.  And. I. Can't. Wait.  I miss him so.  Never been so happy to visit the airport to scoop him up. 

Is it Friday yet?

Love, Me, the impatient sister that is so hungry and her sister said she'd be here at 5 and it's almost 6.  Typical, I mean I hope she's ok, so we can go eat and feed this grizzly bear. 

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