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Well, this is it. The last biggest weekend of the year. Or. Maybe not? |
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Well, hello there fellers.
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I yearn for these prints. I will own them. Soon. Trust me. What is it about Octopus lately? I think they are the most beautiful creature. More like enchanting. |
And so are these little fellers. My little rocks. Even when they irritate me, and Kali still can't keep her room tidy, and Kris forgets simple things like picking up 3 items from the grocery store, to be told, go back and get them. Like now. Hello Mr. 23. Toilet paper(don't forget the thin stuff, mustard, milk and red leaf lettuce. you got this K) I still love them. So, so much.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Once upon a time....
Once upon a time, his girl showed up at the golf event. In Irvine. Beautiful place. Hot day and warm evening.... |
and other people take just as many pictures as the girl. |
And the golfer could not wait to see his girl. that's what I think. |
You see? props to the tool that took this. Wow, thanks for the sunshine in face. you rock little feller. take up photography. or not. |
and the boy loves to work the silent auction. yes, he has bad-ass new glasses (they may or may not be white), and House of Blues concert pack. Good deal dude. Date nights will love it there. |
Someone needs darker makeup in the summer. That's fo sho. I swear if it's not the honey badger smile, or wait, I spy..eh em never mind. it's chola makeup. wha? omg. |
and you meet up with Ms. Tilly, herself. Yup, there she is folks. She loves her some Fatal. She sincerely does. |
And she loves her some Billy. Tilly loves Billy. HAHA! |
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This little family right here. We are doing things. Thankful. |
Because when you are part of a unit, it just works. Any size unit. You belong together. Through good times, and bad, it works. Hold on tight. Life is strange at times. I remember many, many, ohhh so many moments, sitting in a quiet living room, wondering. What next? What is gonna happen? Why me? Why can't I have all the things that seem "the norm"? Soon, you grow a little older and realize, it's the little things that matter. Not who has what, or doing what. You have each other. Hold on tight. It's not always the easiest smooth ride. Oh the many chapters in our family life to write and read.
Once upon a time, there was this little family. Just loving the ocean and lake. Oh. and eachother.
Glad you all met Tilly. Thank you for those that support Fatal. Thank you for the many friends and family that give the praise when needed, the hugs when necessary, and the amazing laughter mixed with cocktails where needed. Boom. Happy Tuesday.
Go play. Take pictures, because life is hauling a**. Dontcha think?
The girl.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Back to the BARNYARD....Back to School...
Back to the Barnyard, was the theme. And these little barnyard sweets added flava to that party. |
Pulling into the dance...dressed as little piggies and little cows... |
Kali's idea of piggy and mud- Way toooo cute! Good job Kali! (She made their shirts...) |
Okay....this morning I receive a text message while getting ready for work. It's these two adorable. little. sweet. peas. Would you look at those faces? I mean seriously, this is too much. When I am feeling blue, I will resort to this photo. For sure. London's first day with a babysitter. Priceless. I love you little lovers. Andrea you are such the great Mama. You make my heart skip a beat. It's bumday Monday. Tonight I will venture over to the Tilly's Golf Charity event where I stalked, seen Carey Hart that one time, remember? Oh, yea there. And I will stuff my face with every single appetizer, food dish there. I am so hungry today. Don't know why, I am starving.
Enjoy the last minutes of summer kids. Why o' why are we starting school this week? Wasn't it kind of like normal to start school AFTER Labor Day? Strange. But than again, life is fast, and everything is changing. Like for instance, these weeks 35 years ago, I was getting my clothes from our layaway at Zody's. Who's Jealous? Who remembers that? My Dad made us get a huge jacket every single year, and it sucked only because it took the majority of our $, and we didn't use it that much. Go figure. Only a Dad can explain?
Cheers to Monday? Kidding. Totally kidding.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Bub, what state are you in now?
And than we come upon "Tex". Of course, only this boy would find a random turtle wandering the highway..somewhere in Texas. Tried to stash in the bus, only to be told by Uncle Wayne..."nope". Leave him right where you found em Bub. And so, with fretful hands, and parting wishing ways, he did. And...I know...He. Did. Not. Like. That. Since Kris was little, he'd bring anything and everything home for us me to "take care of". Thanks Tex, for the smiles. You are better off in Texas feller. So far, they've traveled almost 2k miles...8 states, and lots and lots of beautiful stops, things and people. This Mama cannot wait to cuddle up with a cup o' joe on his bed to hear it and see it all.
Meanwhile, our weekend has consisted of Soccer. With this girl. All day long. 2 games yesterday that were rough, and sucked, because we got spanked. New girls added to our team, means a recipe for disaster learning new techniques. The great part? I hang with friends, while enjoying sunshine and open fields. I do love it. I LOVE to watch Kali kick butt out there. I LOVE IT. I will miss it someday. So I grasp it. The not so good part? When your daughter gets in the car with such frustration (which I totally understand, when you're out there busting your a**, and a new sweet pea has no idea what to do next, loses the ball, and it all goes to shiz) And we drive all the way home, with ear plugs and music singing into her ear, vs. talking about "what a great game" it was. So. This makes it hard. I play my classical music, and lightly tap her knee with a smile...She knows. She does. We play again in just a little bit. New day. New Sunshine. New moments. And with my early morning walk and prayer, I will see things differently. I hope everyone enjoys this Sunday. I can't wait for my kiddo's to all be under one little roof again. I can't wait to see Bucksie boy. That dog. Let me tell you, that dog. Is my little partner. No but seriously.
uh oh. Just got paged into her room, someone forgot to wash her stuff last night. Chapter 16. Interesting how you know it all, but forget so much. Oh. Forgot to tell ya'll, this mama doesn't do her laundry anymore. Dang it. BUT she does let her drive her car. hmmmm. Big girl moments. I know, roll your eyes, I should of reminded her....I know. I am so sorry, I was so exhausted and tired I forgot too. ugh.
Time for my instawash scruba-dub-dub time. I got this.
Handwasher Mom. Boom. Go.
Friday, August 24, 2012
California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa...Volkswagen Bus.
But than Bill and Kali put me into place. again. Yes. Again. The reminder: He's a big boy. This is life. Let him go see parts of the USA. I mean really, what if this becomes an only chance scenario? What if parts of these states are so beautiful and awesome, he becomes stunned with beauty and good people? Why harbor him from seeing things in life? Wow. It wasn't until this morning while I woke, very early, to check my cell phone...and "Instagram" for pictures, messages, anything. His wings are growing. I seen a picture today. Of Bucks. In Utah. "Somewhere in Utah". The view was spectacular to say the least.
Why not be so proud of him? Why the heck not Lisa?
I am. I hope this trip is one to remember for the rest of his life. That he meet nice people and nice people meet him. That he see parts of our country, and it's beautiful offerings. Like parts of Utah and Colorado that I've heard are breathtaking.
Have fun little ones. Please include them in your prayers tonight, or tomorrow morning, or whenever you all pray. Please include them.
Happy Friday everyone. Enjoy. From the tips of your hair to the bottom of your toes. It's Friiiidaayy....
Cheers to cold beers.
Love, The worrier. Seriously. WHY?
P.S. What do you think of my sneak peek of our photo shoot? You guys, I love all of them. I can't wait to sort through the rest. If ANY of you are in our area, and this girl comes back to town, GET YOUR PICTURES DONE WITH HER. Look at me. You better k? She rocks. They rock. Look at my babies!
Please don't leave us SUMMER.....
And so as I sat here with this view. Racers in. First sailboat arrived. Warm August night. On the water. |
Thursday, August 23, 2012
What a woman.
Fly with the Angels Grandma. Great Grandma of mine. Great Great Grandma to K and K. Go fly.....Rest in Peace beautiful lady. These last few years in Montana have hopefully showed you much beauty. You are still surrounded by great people. Good bye for now..... we'll see you on the other side.
Hope this Thursday is peaceful and pretty for you all. Hug those people that need a big hug. Smile at the person that is wearing a grin. I promise you it will turn over. Remember to send a message or call that person you've been putting off. Do it. Even a little handwritten note.
Those are good. Really good. And don't forget to tell your children how awesome they are.
Love to you, and you, and you.....
The Great Granddaughter
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Always, Sometimes, Never.....
I saw this awesome fun link at a favorite website of mine. I thought it would be fun to give it a shot....so here we go....
Love, Me, the impatient sister that is so hungry and her sister said she'd be here at 5 and it's almost 6. Typical, I mean I hope she's ok, so we can go eat and feed this grizzly bear.
Always / Sometimes / Never
I ALWAYS apply chapstick before I get into bed.
I NEVER drink milk from a glass or cup straight. yuk.
I ALWAYS regret saying I'm sorry more when it was needed.
I SOMETIMES act really silly.
I NEVER go a day without telling my kids I love them.
I ALWAYS make my bed.
I SOMETIMES cry when I see parents hugging their children from a distance.
I NEVER try clothes on while shopping.
I ALWAYS prefer to shop alone.
I SOMETIMES become a beast when people hurt my children.
I NEVER say never. Trust me.
I ALWAYS crave a cocktail on Fridays.
I SOMETIMES get my feelings crushed easily. (shark week. ha)
I NEVER fall asleep without drinking some H2O.
I ALWAYS stop and smell flowers.
I SOMETIMES get lonely when no one is around.
I NEVER will stop worrying about my kids.
I ALWAYS check my house in middle of the night if I wake.
I SOMETIMES enjoy a few bites of a good steak.
I NEVER take things for granted.
I always, always, always...have been inpatient. ugh. (read below)
Happy Wednesday Peeps. Hope the day serves you well. In exactly 20 hours (from now as I schedule my blog) I will give and get a huge sweet kiss from my sugarsnap. And. I. Can't. Wait. I miss him so. Never been so happy to visit the airport to scoop him up.
Is it Friday yet?
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Isn't that the truth.
Whew. I woke up feeling like a million bucks today. I seriously slept like a champ. And that alone moves mountains. I am serious. Between exhaustion, schedules, and so much going on in August, I was tilting in a very raw negative area. Which, this chick doesn't like. I don't like to feel angry. I certainly don't like to hold anger and mean spirits in my body. I just don't. I've held on to many things for many years, therefore, these days I am more prone to sort, discuss, decide and move on. That's just me. Sorry if I offended any of you regarding my Chapter 16 moment with Miss. K. It's just those moments that are so enlightening. And if you have a teen, or will have a teen, trust me, these moments DO come. They are real. They do suck. But it's what makes life, LIFE. It's what makes families a family. It's the reminder of what path will work, and being reminded by your parents along the way.
So. I hope you all love me still. I hope you still love K still. I certainly do. She's a great kid. She really is a super girl. Always has been. I am more protective with her in certain areas. I just am. I don't like this new theme of "sticking a tongue out" while getting pic's snapped. I really don't get it. Maybe it's the forty coming out of me. But isn't just as admirable to look at a smile? I mean seriously they work so hard on bodies, hair, outfits, makeup. To stick tongues out?
So thank you. For listenining. And not judging. boom.
This morning while I sat beside her as we drove to school for volunteer work hours, I had these little epiphanies flood me. Her body drives next to me. She's taller than me. She is so pretty with her pony-tail and favorite shorts and shirts with cute earrings. She's getting it all together. It's crazy. She drives better and better each day. These things are all happening very fast. I was told she would work until noon, and head out shopping with Tori. Purse and wallet in tow. She is handling things. Things are being handled. Things are moving fast. It's like the first phase of their life is so different, slower pace. Weaning from nursing, and diapers...Toddler-hood, preschool, moving forward through all the little grades. To land in Junior year. So close to driving off without Mom. Holding her purse as she exited, walking away. A little woman. A little Kali to me. Things are moving fast.
Bill if and when you read this, I miss you. I seriously miss you. Can't wait for you to come home. I know it's only a day more. But still. And I love you way past the moon.
Happy Tuesday fellers.
Bill, if and when you read this, I miss you. I seriously miss you. And I love you way past the moon.
The girl who is on day 5 of bun hair do. Come on Mother Earth, we'll take some high 70's...Pretty please?
Monday, August 20, 2012
It all went a little something like this.
Day one. While Mama (Auntie Lisa preps....) these little chicks keep the pool cool. |
I finally convince Bill that working on the boat, and in the garage isn't all the popular topic while in Havi. And could we pulleeze get out for dinner. |
And so we did. And it was fab. As always. That place is yummmy! |
Some of the group arrived Thursday night. Here's the kick off Friday morning. Birthday boy in his new hat. Sunblock applied by girl. |
Red solo cup......I fill you up....Let's have a partaaaayy. |
The weather was perfect. |
The group was perfect..... |
New toys and all. |
Yes, that hippo? Harder than it looks to stay upright. |
Love the color in this. Love the candid faces. Some serious. Some could care less. Some way into it. HAHA! |
Happy Birthday to Merkemer......Happy Birthday to you...... |
The sleeping quarters. The smart ones remembered their blowup mattresses. The others? Well. uh um. See that tile? |
And while these people were down at the channel getting their party on in the cabana....we were getting the things listed above done. Like red sports cars. And just like that. We arrive. |
To beautiful warm skies. Temps perfect. Water...well...channel water can only be so perfect. eek |
We did get a couple of monsoons. And while sitting by the pool I spot a rainbow above our house....Hoping it brought us luck. I think it did. Life is good. |
Yesterday while we drove down the 40 in 2 separate cars, while waving to eachother as he exited towards Vegas...we knew we'd both be ok. (because I am a chicken to drive in the desert in the summer, especially alone...) We knew we'd have our missions to handle and accomplish. We knew that we have eachothers backs no matter what. That is what we are made of. I salute Bill for rocking Fatal to this level. The booth view this morning. The successes are endless. The journey is incredible. Big things are happening people. Big things.
You are welcome I blogged. Because every single bit of my body wants to shower, make a cool salad and chill. But tonight, my agenda calls for school shopping, soccer practice, and then maybe figure out what cool salad to make.
Bam. I am done.
Thanks kiddo's. It was a wild ride. Play fair, but play hard.
Me. With some more energy. That came out of no where. HA!
P.S. Happy Birthday to some sweet girls this week. Mary, Manya and Tina! The tres Virgos!
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