Thursday, December 5, 2019

Lean In.

The seasonal gloom takes over.

The stress of assuring everyone is happy.

The fear of loss.

The fear of disease.

The chapters closing, while another opens.

The smiles from those you love.

The tears you'll wipe for those you nurture.

The laughter from a good wine filled belly.

The nights we lay awake wondering why things fall apart.

The nights we lay awake with gratitude for this life filled with the good people.

The hugs we give and take from those we love.

The cozy feeling of a bed or couch while it's so cold outside.

It's turning the page for a new year.  New beginnings. 

New chances and new people.

New ideas and new pages to write.

There's hope that everyone will stay healthy.

Next year maybe we'll have peace.  More peace from the chaos that fills our souls.

The waves will crash and the waves will subside.

The tide will come in and the tide will go out.

A New Year, a new chance.

Two Thousand Twenty.  I hope you give me Mercy.

I hope my babies stay healthy and safe.

That will always be my biggest wish.

This life is so fast.

Look at the mundane things around you with gratitude. 

It's those small things and small moments that mean the most.

Trust me. 

Or trust God.  Lean in that way.

I know I do.


Feeling sad and blue?  Get up and move- Get up and get going.  
Take a shower, freshen up and get moving....go look for sunshine.  Or a dive bar.  KIDDING.
kinda. jk. 

And the best of all?  PRAY!


This Mama Lisa

Pile Of Good Things

“So, what if, instead of thinking about solving your whole life, you just think about adding additional good things. One at a time. Just let your pile of good things grow.”
— Rainbow Rowell

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