Friday, February 15, 2019

My Life Jackets


The ones you call or text when shit gets real.

The ones you call when you've got the most exciting news.

The ones that prove over and over that making an effort to gather each week for dinner is important. 

The one (Shelley) that preached to me several times to put my oxygen mask on first.  SO I can help my family better. 

The ones that cheer you on when things are going good, and pick you up or toss tissues your way when things are not. 

The ones that you sit next to and laugh your high bun off your head when margarita's start flowin' -- Those evenings at The Yacht Club I will forever and ever hold dear to my heart.

The one you text with tears streaming down your face because you're so fucking scared of the results of labs, or biopsies with hopes they'll cover you in their kind words and large love to pull you through.

This little dog.
Buckie has sat on my lap and even licked a few tears.
There's something about this dog. 

 The ones that blend into your lives 20 years ago, to be later named "The Six Pack"-
We've walked through some wild chapters together.  Each and every one of us.  Good times. 
Sad times. We're still the strongest 6-pack you'll ever find. 

Jodee, you know what you did shortly after this picture was taken, and we'll laugh about this for years and years.....
 But that's why we love you.  #drinktoss  #thatsitkids

My sister.  The chapters we endured as kids.  The way I'd try to make you laugh as a little girl by tearing my underwear into pieces while jumping from bed to bed.  The stories we share.  
She would come to the hospital every single day during our nightmare.  Just to give her love.  
She'd drop food off once home, because he was craving it. 
Tina, I love you. 

This chicks wisdom during my fretful moments.  She's a numbers/statistics girl, so her calculations for survival were always on point.  Reminding me often to pick my chin up and keep going.
Boy have the tables turned girl. 

A shout out to my friend Kerri in Oklahoma.  She's a Be The Match Advocate, and an actual courier for cells.  She delivers a new life to those in need.  
Ever meet people (we met in Cabo years ago) and you just click....?
That was us. 
Only now, we stay connected by texting.  
Advice (she has a teen boy...yikes!) HAHAHA!
Don't worry girl, it gets better. I promise. But like in 8 more years.  jk
My neighbor Erica (don't have her picture)- Served me food each and every morning and evening while I commuted to and from City Of HOPE.  She WAS and IS an Angel on Earth.
That chick makes the best chocolate chip cookie dough in all the lands, the best cheese dip in the whole atmosphere. Pretty much everything she touches.  Gold. 




I love you all.

And I thank you for the love you've given to me. 

I wish you all a peaceful weekend.  Chase your dreams, or chase your pillow. Whatever rocks your soul, do that. 

For me?  

Le' Kitchen, Le' gym, Le' Laundry....

Le' coziest blankie I own. 


This Mama Lisa

ps. I hope this week filled with love was more than just expressions with flowers, jewelry, candy and material.  I hope you felt loved by at least one person. I hope you smiled at a stranger in need.  Or wrapped your arms around the one you love a little tighter.  Not for the lust of it, but the mere feeling it feels to be secure.  I hope you didn't get caught up in the envy that tends to flow.
Images aren't always what is shown. Life is good, but it's hard.  And it's up to you to make a difference starting with yourself.  LOVE you first.  The rest will fall into place.

Thank you Bill for the Valentine love.  He writes the sweetest notes. 
Picks the most amazing flowers.
Mostly, his words mean the most. 

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