Tuesday, October 30, 2018

And The Ones That Captivate Us.

One of the beautiful things about social media is the beauty in humanity.

It's the many recipes I've learned by following good humans that have a flow for cooking.

It's the many travel authors that share their journey..  Taking us along for the trip to Indonesia, or deep into some jungle to which I have no desire to take the long jaunt by plane, train, boat or car. 
And so we're lucky enough to catch it by the screen in our hands.  I can slip away pretty deep on a Saturday or Sunday morning sipping coffee and floating across the Earth.

I've tried and failed a few recipes, but mostly I win em.  I love to watch certain chefs toss things into a bowl, and magically an amazing crock pot meal comes to fruition for my family. 

Kali mentioned to me one morning to follow Brianna.  The mama to "Dagwood"-  Living a nomad life in their van, they are the protectors of dogs.  The ones that "Never leave the dogs behind" as she states.
Treating them as their children.  Something I always find so heartwarming.

I see and "hear" neighbors' dogs, tossed out back, or left for super long days alone.  Making them sleep outside, while the house stays warm all winter long. Nonsense, to me.
Ok, I'll stop....*Rant over....


This story.

These adorable humans.


And follow Instagram Briannamadia  to see the latest in their chapter....
He was hit by a car, and doing better every day!

Their nomad life I envy.  Not for the shower-less days, or the on-the-road hustle. 
But more of the courage to do so.

I'm enamored by their love.  By this story.  His tail is gone. His fight is strong. 
When you experience trauma and walking through a crisis first hand, you just know these long days.
The days blend together.  The pieces being held together by HOPE. 
Trusting the news doctors give you.
Taking care of the one you love out of sheer exhaustion, and HOPE.

Wishing a good week to you all...

All praises to you good animal lovers.  The huggers and the snugglers...

I believe animals are the most meaningful creatures.

Sometimes, more than evil humans.

Adopt, don't shop!


This Mama Lisa

May PEACE be with you....

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