Thursday, March 26, 2015

From Your Big.

The other day Bill and I were discussing the whole sorority thing.  How one moment we are making her as comfortable as possible at her new domain.  Just settling in, and trying to shake the urge to drive home at any given chance.  How she mentioned to us that during the second semester there would hopefully be change. 
Change in a way of more acceptance.  New friends, new horizons, less obsessions with anchors holding her down--. 

We also discussed how we really never comprehended the whole sorority/fraternity thing.  If I'm being completely honest, I thought of them as  I imagined guys doing keg stands, girls partaking in that same keg stand ritual. I imagined drunk girls holding each others pony tails as they puked into some random planter, or a filthy frat house bathroom.  I imagined girls dressed scantily while prancing from one party to the other.  You get my drift right?

What I didn't understand was the sisterhood that these sororities are really all about.  That your "well being" and spirit stays alive through accountability, and respect.  That morals are driven even further than what you have already been taught.  There is SO much more behind the scenes.  And if you're a good girl, well even makes you drive harder, and better.

That those girls you "rushed" to be part of, are really what you like.  They have your same style. Whether that's clothes, music, accessory.  They are you.  You feel it.  They listen to you.  They keep you out, but they keep you in check.  They keep you together when the world feels like it's falling to pieces.  They make sure you know your worth, and they make sure you know that education, beauty, hard work, and fun can be all together in one big basket. 

She's truly found a large group of girls that have given her the push she needed to feel REALLY welcomed at CSUSM.  They share food, stories, tears, and now huge hugs.  Her trips home have diminished, and for that, I at times feel a tad bit sad.  Nothing makes a mama's heart more full than to hear or see your child happy.
This last week for Kali has been filled with craziness due to mid-terms, and major studying.  Shark week drizzled in with that too. A few sassy texts' back and forth I finally realized what the heck was going on. It really hit home when she said "like mom, seriously I am starving and I have like no food"-  uh oh.

But then you see this goodness in the mix.  She finds out who her "Big Sister" is very soon.  Until they reveal, these lovelies are delivered to the office every day this week.

We feel honored that our daughter was chosen for Freshman Miss. Alpha Kappa.  She's worked hard to be a good person.  A loving soul.  They are lucky to have her, and she is very lucky to have them.

So many sweet goodies left for her there---And we have this waiting here.-  Minus that bottle.  Well, maybe that too.  But with a lime. boom.   Juuuuuust kidding Dad. Well, maybe.

Happy Thirsty Thursday-

Go give love and peace.  The world needs you.

PS- Hey Kali....Dream BIG, and don't look back.  Keep pushing beep.  Dad, bro, mama, and I am sure many others are waving our huge "proud" flag-
See you in TWO days! Spring Break Shenanigans time!

Boom Shaka laka laka laka-----


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys coming to the lake soon?! Can't wait to see you guys again!