Saturday, January 24, 2015

So I took a walk down memory lane.

Today has been one filled with sunrises, sand, and surf comps.

I'll post on that during the week. In the meanwhile, I plugged our lap-top in to check work related stuff, and starting browsing through pictures.  And by browse I mean, cracking up so hard, out-loud, to soon sit still on my bench with tears.  *shocker*

Why do the pages flip so fast?

Okay, I now introduce you to funny, sweet, and oh so awesome.  Pay close attention to the glasses. The hair (on me)- The toothless grins- The tattoo-less son.

Here you go-
Sophomore in HS-


#drunk #miniskirts

Someone needs a tan. 

Those sunglasses though. haha! #fronttoothless

Shoulda used this for her senior or college thank you notes.  

Hey, at least they are reduced fat. And those bangs? So sorry Kali. 
Sand Bar, when it was actually a hang out. What about them shorts...?

Who's happy?

The higher the shorts....

Curls for dayyyzzz



The streets of Las Salinas Mexico

First time she tried to surf

Before we filled it with life, and love.

Bad Company....Nineteen something....

So there you have a little of what was cracking me up.

I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I certainly am. Especially with this bonus-

Talk to you next week!

This Mama Lisa, white sunglasses, Hawaiian shorts, curly hair, and little green glasses. boom NOTE: Bill still has those white sunglasses somewhere around here. I have spotted them, and laugh every.single.time.  It's just keeping them tucked away.


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