Friday, April 25, 2014

Stepping on those stones again.

It's funny how fast April has whisked by.

I mean, it seems we were all so excited to prank one another on April Fools.

Along with counting the days to sneak away for a much needed break.

All of the sudden, this week has really hit me.

Like a mound of little pebbles slowly being tossed at me.


Prom extravaganza. 

Mother's Day.

An 18th birthday celebration.



And graduation.   For some reason, I am feeling a bit different this time around.

Dare I mention the butterflies I get when imagining Bill and I driving Kali to her new life in San Marcos.
THAT....makes my underarms sweat.  And my tummy flip over.  But let's avoid that for now.  ha.

I remember with Kris, I made the reservations for dinner.  Called my parents to make sure they'd come down off their mountain.

I had already ordered announcements, and pictures. I had worked through logistics, and hotel reserves for those traveling in.

Kali asked me this morning about announcements.  A party.  Senior portraits.  Along with a reminder to change her hair appt. for 30 minutes earlier.

Sure babe.  Got it.

Deep down, I feel this strong urge to simplify.  To not get caught up in the big announcements, and pictures, and reservations, and dinners, and blah blah blah.

Not to discount her.  What so ever.  My kids are my life.

I just feel like some of these things are so costly.  So over played.  Rated in a way that keeps love out of the mix.  That keeps the true meaning away.

Am I nuts?

Yea, probably. 

I do believe this right of passage is part of the accomplishment.  So well earned.  

Or maybe I am just avoiding empty nest syndrome.  Changes that I saw coming.  And knew there would come the day to watch her lay that cap on her head.

Don't get me wrong.  I am beyond proud.

I can't express enough just how hard she's worked to get where she is.

We all have.

I just want to slow things down.  I want to enjoy summer.  The end of Springtime, if you will.

Maybe I should just let things happen organically.

I guess in a way, it all happens the way it should.

Maybe this time around, as my baby.  The girl.

It's just a little different.

I have yet packed her cleats away.

Her soccer gear is still in that 3rd drawer.

All of her yearbooks are stacked.

This last one is just waiting to be filled.

This mama needs to take a deep breath.  Enjoy life for what is in front.

And just exhale?

Ya Lisa, just exhale.

But first, let me call that hair salon.

Happy Friday Fart knockers.

I get a weekend to myself.

The boys jetted off to this :

I know, shake your head in amazement that I opted to stay home.

I guess with age, and wisdom.  And a couple of Havi visits already. I wasn't feeling it.

The horsepower, the beauty in this is captivating.  It really is.

But my little body needs some rest.  And the news man calls for rain.  What better way to wake up on Saturday morning with coffee, my cozy bed, and some good reads.

Plus I've got new stones to step on. And planning to do.  


Get out and play. And pray for my boys.  And those big boys out there runnin!  BAD ASS, that's for sure.

Love to you all,

Be happy, and if not, well cry a little.  Just remember time spent being angry is time taken away from living this life.  We can't go back in time.  So shake it off, punch a pillow. jk.  Shake it off, and have a stiff drink. jk again.  SHAKE it off.....and get out and do what makes YOU happy.  Even if it's hiding from the kids.
Or people.  Or anyone for that matter. boom.


Humanity, and reality at it's finest?  Watch this video.
Karma's Reunion

Sorry for those happy tears.  But I LOVE this.  The Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita is one heck of a place.

Talk about realness. Kindness.  And the true love for animals.  Check em out.

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