Monday, February 10, 2014

Whirlwind weekend.

Bill and I have mastered the craft of bbq'n pizza's.  Try it.
We lay a pizza dough out, smother it with olive oil.
Dice up artichoke's, green bell pepper, black olives and/or Kalamata olives, some cheese, and plenty of spices, such as red pepper flakes, garlic, pepper and oregano.
Cover it in layers. 
Place it on the grill, turned down low, melting the cheese with the lid closed, and voila.  There you have it.
A nice crispy crust, and a healthier version of all things pizza, and yummy-ness.

And as we prepped, we sipped our martini's, closing out our week, while trying not to chat about work.
We nailed it.  As hard as that can be, we nailed it.  We laughed, and carried on about this life.  About plans for the summer.  Birthday milestones for our littlest and biggest.
Our travel dreams for one day.  Which is to cruise across the US by motorhome.  Someday kids, someday.
For now, it's nose to the ground, and business hats pulled on tight.
One birdie was here- PBR Series.  In some very VIP seats. HA! I texted him..."wow"- His response- "They carried us to our seats Mom"- HAHAHAHA!

Saturday morning we decided a jaunt over to catch these fellers run would be in tall order. 

Womp Womp

He's friends with these brothers, so we'd stop in to say "hey"-
It's always nice to leave someone in charge of the camera instead of me.   And boy, did he do a superior job here. I mean, can you spot Waldo?  
What about now.
He's crazy like that.  
Nothing better than a top notch photographer following you around.  
He totally has my back. 
 I mean, would you look at this?  Zoom on in baby. Zoom on in.
And if that doesn't tickle you pink...well, here's a going away shot.  
Don't lose hope though kids, a perfect close up of the brew stand. 
Moving on, it turned out to be quite the fun day, the two of us had.  We manage to tear it up alone.  We always have.  The sound of fast cars, the smell of Nitro, the chatter of the race man in the box.  The tree of lights that soon leave you holding your ears.  
All of it.  
I actually like these cars the best. 
This is how I look leaving for work.  Or, is that coming home.  hmmm. 

Maybe it's like this.....ya, it's more like this. 

Does anyone remember this heart crusher? 
Well, he married this sweet girl.  Who kicks ass out there.  Girl+Racecar Driver = Badass. 
Her Daddy is the founder of Paul Mitchell....
What I admire about her is the hands on, and true normalcy she portrays.  I felt creepy snapping shots.  But I wanted to show off my amazing camera skillz.  Plus, I was standing right there like a creeper.

We spot this beauty on the way out.  #GAYLORDLID

Over the bridge, and almost home, we'd spot this good night wave from Mr. Sun.
While we soon cuddled up on the couch to watch San Diego's Supercross. Our boy was down there doing his thing with friends.  #DUDEONTHEGO.
Sunday morning our girl headed out with Mac for some shreddin.  Fun was had. 
There truly isn't anything better than to catch a smile from my babes.  Each and every time, it gets me.  

Bill and I headed over to make breakfast for Gaylord and Shirley.  We cooked, cleaned, chatted, and closed up soon enough to run errands, and wrap up the weekend, like a blanket in a closet.  Too soon it's time to focus on Monday again. Life as we know it. 
Able, ready and willing. 

Well, at 5am, some of those don't easily apply. 

Spread kindness this week kids.  

Show the world what a simple smile can do.  

Or...shoot, laugh a little.  Go way out. 

Who's over all the Valentines gimmick? 

So over-rated.   

Don't EVEN get me started on the engagement commercials. 

I just might throw up a little in my mouth- boom! HAHAHAHA!

Happy Monday! 

Guess who sent their sweet little girl pictures of this sweet glory from up north? 
 My Mama and Dad.....STOKED!
My fur sister is stoked too.  Only because she gets to wear her "new" rain coat.  Lucky girl. 

"Come on rain, come down on me...."

May peace be with you today, and forever and ever....

This Mama Lisa

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