Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back in the day.

Social media is a evil twisted thing.

Demoralizing women and men.

It creates issues in families, and relationships on the daily.

It's real.

And it breaks my heart to think of what will be for my grandchildren.

Thanks Miley Cyrus.  Way to go with your slutty presentation.  Way to go MTV for allowing that.  Shame on them too.  What a circus....what a circus.  You lost your mind girl.  And should find your soul.
Glad our family got a good laugh out of that.

I love to stare at vintage photos of people back in the day.

The way it was.

The hips were wider.  And fuller bodies were appreciated.

So sexy to me.

I love muscle tone, and healthy bodies, but there is something about living this half naked life that disappoints me a bit.

Instead we have walking sex baited girls.

Enjoy this beautiful-ness.

 I love this suit. 

 Get it Diana Ross.....You beautiful lady you.

Now THIS was crazy.....ha.

Just a day at Disneyland, was a treat.

Now our kids have passes that get scanned, along with parking on that arrangement too.


Happy Saturday Morning Munchkins.

Be safe.

Play hard.  And don't forget your sunblock.

And...Laaawwwd have mercy on yourself.....HAVE FUN!

This Mama Lisa
Dressed in a robe.  jk

Friday, August 30, 2013

This is the weekend to.....

Sleep in.





Be together.

With whomever makes your heart at peace. And laugh.

Shop a little.

Bbq a little too.

Enjoy good wine.

Smile because you can.

Maybe decorate a little.

Call someone you've been thinking about. 
We can't leave town this weekend.  Remember I am in focused "kick some ass mode?"

Ya, I am.

And while you lovers go out and play.  Be safe.  Be true.  Don't litter.  And remember to drink responsibly.

Because...listen here lover beans....we need you. Your family needs you. Driving while drunk, kills.  And will never get back what was.  Ever. 

Funny part of this little sign up above?  I. Do. Not. See.  Mom.  Dad. Grandma or Grandpa on there...
I mean....seriously.  Did I miss it?  Hardest job on this planet.  Can I get an Ameeennnn?!
This little chick flew all the way from North Carolina to hang with our boy.  Lake bound they will be.

She's a sweet southern little one.

While they enjoy their time away at the lake....we will most likely do this.

And work.

And plan.

And eat.

And drink.  
And spend time with our other little birdies....Kali and Gianni

Happy Labor Day Laborers.

Mama's and Daddy's.  Take a break.
Put your feet up.

Sip good lemonade....

And remember you are awesome.

You are.


Thursday, August 29, 2013


Hoping she knows when to dance.

Because just like that....

 The chubby fingers and toes....
Gave me a Kindergartner. 

 And we held eachother tight.  Every day.  And every night.  Together.

And now as she embarks on the last year of high school, it's very clear to me....
That our grip is loosened just a bit more.   It's time for her to create the future. 
 These two are finding their way in this big world. 

 And these fields will be a memory.
 The many days, and moments spent right here. 
This life is indeed flying.

And I hope she dances.

Through Hope. Love.  Hard Work.  Pain.  Laughter, and fun times.

That she remembers to dance like no one is watching.

Let's do this kids.

It's almost Friday.  I see a long weekend to launch the Fall season.  To kiss Summer goodbye, although we'd all love to staple those leaves right back up on those big trees.

Let us embrace this next season.

Warm drinks by the fire.

Cozy hot baths.

And the scent of pumpkin spice, laced with just a little more whipped cream-

Spread love, and kindness.

Kindness is Power.  Remember that.


oh yea.  Try and stay cool here in Southern Cali.  It's a muggy mess that's fo sho.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

T'was the first day.

Of Senior year. 

But first they celebrated at dinner.

The Crew.

These girls that have held eachother close throughout all the middle school and high school years.

Cried together.  Held each other up tall.  Guided away from bad choices, and always keeping moral at the highest.

ASB Presidents....Vice Presidents.....and many more to name a few.

Good girls.  Ready to rock the blocks off the building there at Los Al.

Last nights planning? 

Oh...Just the day for Senior Prank. And what is on the A.G.E.N.D.A.  

My devious side loves this kind of stuff. 

Bring it Seniors.  Bring it.

May the Los Al Griffins stay safe.  May the Seniors keep good choices in front of the challenged ones.

May they choose safe times, and happy moments keeping their spirit twirling in the wind.

Last night while Kali was at this dinner, I sat outside.  I made Kali a card.   I wrote her some things.
Handcrafted by Mama. 
More on that later. 

I had an epiphany. 


My children are a miracle.  That they have made me, me. 
My strength.
My courage.
My love.
My lessons.
This life. 
My life.


And how I fight for them.
And work hard for them. 

"Swim like a fish in the sea...I don't mind."

Please watch this short video of Willie Nelson.
That man, his eyes.  His every being.  Him. 
That's my Dad people.

That's my Dad.

Sending off the legacy.

I will always encourage the right to cultivate their own creativity.

Loving along the way. 

Happy Hump Day. Humpers.


ps. wonder why I didn't post a cute picture of Kali in front of our house, all cutsie'd up?
well, because I hid my little surprise in HER car...there was a shuffle of cars, things..and just didn't work out.  She may or may not have acted like a turd.  (guess when she finds her little pretties and card, things will change.)

This Sappy Mama Lisa

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wonder where I've been?

I know, me too.  It started with this.

It was also FULL of soccer.  Lost a couple, and won, one.  boom.

Talked in full detail about Fiberglass all day Sunday.  Because I am bad ass like that

And have realized that if I don't keep our company above water, will in fact sink. And I am too strong and proud to let go of something after all of these years.


So, if you wonder where I will be, or have been, it's knee deep in all things.....fiberglass, employees, dough, and lots and lots of paperwork that flows really close to a thing that rings. all. day. long.  And baffles the shit out of me at the end of most days.

Wonder why I don't call you back friends? ha.  And drink like a sailor on the weekends?  kidding.  well, not really. HA!

I. Can. Do. This.   I am a strong girl.  And I will kick ass.

In respect to the sweet things, and kindness that flows-  In the midst of all things crappy, I received texts'. From friends.  Like Donna.  And Mary.  And Kyoko.  One specifically from Donna, "Hey girl, haven't heard from you..hope all is well".  I teared up.  And cried.  And texted her back and said, "yea ya know those shitty moments in life..and work..." that's all.  She said....more sweet things.  What would you do without girlfriends. The rocks in life. That show up at the most perfect time.

Not to mention my munchkins that continue to make me laugh on the daily.  I will be glad when Chapter Seventeen is in school all day, and my house stays organized.  OCD disorder is in full force. 

Another friend had me over for a glass of wine on Sunday night...and gave me the cutest wine necklace of all time.  Hmm.  Wine.  Necklace.  Good talk. Yes, please.  And thank you.

Oh.'s the MOM sent me a random text that said..."honey, Dad and I wanted to tell how proud we are of you, and an amazing mom, you always have been a leader."   talk about boom.
no, seriously, boom.  

It's these moments kids.

Bill and I holler'd at eachother like two cowboys in a gunfight in the middle of the desert.  And I did want to pull out my gun.  That's just me.  I cried like no other.  He yelled like no other.  We both say things out of frustration. It's life.
It's not perfect. But it's what creates and makes our life worth living later.  At least that's what I keep reminding myself.  Right?  I do love boat rides, and visits to far away places  The only way to get there is to work my ass off, and get there.  And I will kids.  I will.

Ok, enough of me.  How's your life?  Good?  Perfect? Shitty?  Are you skipping up stream like there isn't a tomorrow?  Partying like a rockstar?

In other good deeds of planning, I've shopped with Chapter Seventeen girl for school that starts, tomorrow.

Tomorrow kids.  She will meet new teachers.  New friends. She will guide Freshmen around with all the kindness in her heart.  She will.

As Gianni (best boyfriend of the year award goes to....) and I followed her around each store last night with music blaring in our ears so loud that I could hardly think about what to plan for dinner.  We made it happen.
Funny how when  you are shopping for someone else, everything in the world cute, and cheap pops up in front of you.

If someone can tell me why Abercrombie and Hollister continue to spray cologne and perfume in and out of their store like nobody's's disgusting.  It really is.  Thank goodness Kali isn't into their clothes anymore.

Moving on to something real.  Consider this amazing kids, about school lunches.  Whether you have little ones, or little grandkids.  I would recommend making their lunches.  Seriously gross stuff out there these days.
Although I was part of the "lunch program" as a little one.  I only remember liking the "square" soggy pizza's ha!....and the mashed potatoes.

This kid will and should move mountains.

School Lunches

His 20 minute documentary website is an eye opener for people across our nation.
There is no reason for a child to eat that kind of food.  It takes less than fifteen minutes to make a lunch.
Simple, yet healthy, and safe. It is possible.  Trust me.  It is.

Thanks for hanging with me lover heads.

Life is real.
It's hard.
It's good.
And it's flippin strange too.

Keep on swimming.

If I can, you can.

Big Love,

This Mama Lisa

Friday, August 23, 2013

Because of them.

Freshmen will feel just a tad more welcomed.
 At one of the best schools in Southern Cali. 

 Because of their spirit and caring ways.  (And Gio's face. ha.)  Princess Peach and Mario, himself. boom. Those overalls kill me.  haha!
They will have a face to ease the fear during those first few scary weeks.  
Link Crew rocked this year. My wish was to go and check it out for one last time...but that didn't happen.
Sharing pictures, and listening to their stories made my heart full.

So proud of you two.

And all of the kids involved in Link Crew. 

It's because of you. 

It truly is because of you.

The kind people that make this big ol' scary world go around. 

Happy Friday Fella's.

And Fellers. 

And Freshmen.  

Count down for the first bell of the last year of high school to ringa-ling. 

We got this!


Proud Mama Lisa

Thursday, August 22, 2013

These two.

They keep me moving.

They keep me alive, and willing.

We are proud of them.

Today is a fun day for them.  Sharing.  Teaching.  Making others feel welcomed.

And that's pretty much what this life is all about.

Giving friendships and love where needed.  Something called LinkCrew, at Los Al.  Best invention ever.  No, seriously, ever.  A place for the newbies to feel welcomed.  A "Crew Member" to run to on those first few days of confusion and possible fear.  Goodness.  Such sweet goodness.

Happy Thursday People.

Remember to offer compliments where needed. 

Smile at those in need of it.  Believe me, it helps more than you can imagine.

For you, and for them.

Go get em.

And stay away from bullshit.  And mean people.  

Big love,

One tough nut.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

And so.....

This sums up my day. 

And Marilyn.  Those words can't shake me hard enough.  True in the biggest way.

Have a great day soldiers.

Or fish.

Whether you are swimming, and swimming, and swimming....

Or marching like a motha, just keep on marching.

Eat well.  And serve yourself well.

Always treat yourself to the best. 




Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Of heading home.

To prepare for school.

And registration processing.

The process just one more time, for high school.

Kali is part of Link Crew this year.

They plan such a great day for the "Freshmen" coming in.

Her partner is none other than the famous Gio.  The dude. One who grabs her heart each day.  And holds it close.  He protects her.  And makes her smile.  And laugh hard. They've shared some amazing memories this summer.  We have too. 

A school dance is in the works.

And a soccer tournament.

The days are flying.


Worth every second spent together.

Because we know how things change after high school.

And people fly in different directions. 


Your best friend will stick by your side forever.

It's just what she is.


Your Mom and Dad stand right there.  Guiding.  Discussing.  Recommending. Listening.  Sharing.
Taking.  Shaking our heads, and nodding them too. 

Soaking up the sun and fun is what the summer was all about.

Learning from the past.

Looking into the future.


We discuss many things. 

What school is best.

Best for her.

B$est for us.  


We will get there.

Faster than slower.


This is an amazing life handed to us.

Not always easy.

And not always true.

But it's ours.

Building it, or destroying parts of it.

It is ours. 


So keep things real.

And love what you do.

And who you choose to spend that realness with.

Truth be told right there kids.

Happy Tuesday Taco heads.

Go cook yourself something yummy.

You deserve it little lover heads.

And Seniors, and Mama's and Papa's.  And Grammies and Grampies.

Hug eachother a little tighter tonight.
Just because you can.

There is a full moon kids. 
Be wise, and ignore the ignorance.  Because too soon it will fade.




Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Bucket List Item. Check.

For my Son.
My Birthday boy Son.

I decided last minute, on this road trip.
One to allow memories in us forever.
And ever.

So what started out here...
With my birdies, and Big Bucks.....
Red Bull, and good tunes. 
Pavement, and good chats.  
 Silly Selfies.
 And sleeping beauties.

 Tons of this.
 Trillions of this.
 But the best part of the trip up?  Here.  Bravo Cheese Farm.  Do yourself a favor and stop there.  It's in Traver, CA.  Just off the 99. 
Don't know why, but probably the best Iced Tea I've ever had. Sorry Mom, and Sorry Tina.  Those mason jars are huge. And just so perfect.  Maybe they have the ice ratio just right.  Who knows, just bomb dot com. 
The cutest restaurant.

Whoever likes to feed chickens.....have at it.  I'm a little scurrrred. 

Seriously a cute place. 
 Had to skip the best part. 
Because we had more highway to cover.  And laughter to fill the car.  For some reason, the three of us were on a roll.  Good stuff kids, good stuff. 
To arrive here.  We arrived close to 9pm.  My Dad called us every few hours.
I could feel the anticipation....between all of us.  Excitement filled the air.
Staying up until close to 2am for Kris, and a little after midnight for me. 

 Falling asleep to the sound of the forest singing to Kali and I.  Laying in my old bed.  Whispering to eachother.  Reminiscing about my childhood to Kali.  Laughing so hard other moments I'd wipe tears from my eyes. (Grapes on their porch....swoooon...)
Soon, we awoke to the aroma of bacon, and of course...."My Mom's famous breakfast"-
That woman can cook.....and to see organic items fill their fridge just makes my heart smile. 
This dude spent his birthday morning wandering their farm and garden area...with the biggest smile a man can shed. 
 Fresh fruit.

Baby frogs. 

"Bella" their sweet dog.  (busted for dipping in the deer's watering hole...ha) 

 Soon it was time to hit the road for some good ol' wine tasting....

The weather was perfect on the outside...and even better down in the cave.  
 Well, at least I thought so.
My boy is still trying to find the enjoyment of wine tasting. 
 It can be a little "awk", I know.
 Especially when our driver won't pose for any more pics.   Rude.

 A birthday lunch. 

A familiar watering hole.
One that I heard both K's express just how many memories they had here.  With Papa.  - Kali's..."omg, he let us swim here..."  Kris, "I found frogs here"....and me...."ew...omg, I remember coming here when you were little....yuck"- ha. 
We skipped some rocks....
 And soon we left...
Ever see a VW offroad? 
 Off to the next winery. 

 And more dirt roads.....
To my favorite winery up there....
There's something about a familiar place. 
 And let's face it.  Barrel tasting?  Yes.  Please. 

 Dogs that rule the Barrel room.  "Mystical".   She is 15. 
My parents are the "Turkey" whisperers.   no, seriously.  They are.  And deer, and racoons, and skunks, and squirrels....along with any other creature that makes their path through there. 
Dad's famous burgers.  After arriving home from wine tasting, we find this.
My Mom's famous beans, and perfectly cut up veggies...and this.  And this my friends, is pure bliss.
Just like you Dad. 

It was a quick trip. 
 It was filled with everything perfect.
 And peaceful.  This walnut tree and view from their property. 
On Sunday morning, after just a quick 48 hours, I walked the grounds with Kali.  Quietly.  And slow.
Taking it all in.  Talking myself out of the tears that I knew would soon follow.
I am not good with "goodbyes".  I know this isn't easy for anyone.  But it's extremely hard for me.  For us. 
 And so I made light of things.   And minutes, as they ticked by.  Those minutes that added quite a few butterflies to my tummy. 
 She made me smile over and over again.  Almost like she knew...."Every little thing is gonna be alright sister Lisa"
Because when you've been raised to be a good person.  A good soul.  A loving soul.  It will. 
 The weekend went too fast.  It was my idea to leave by ten.  I worried of my Monday day filled with all things work, school registration, laundry...and you all know the drill.
Soon, the moment came.  Where the chuckles, nervous chuckles that is...turned into solid tears. 

My Dad held me tight and weeped like no other. I did too.  My Mom smiled big for me.  With me.
She is proud of me.  She has taught me to be a good cook.  A serving soul.   My Dad has taught me more than any man that will walk this Earth.

I will be back.

The tears will flow often, because we miss eachother.

It's easy for people to wonder why....

Why don't they just make trips happen.

Fly down here, or fly up there.

Things are busy.  For me.
For them.

In this life.

I have these memories.
I have them, and their wonderful warm home.  Filled with more love than I will ever feel, anywhere else.

That I know for sure.

I love you Mom and Dad.
You are two amazing people.  That have walked down some pretty kickass scary rough roads.

But it's because of you.

It is.

This sign reads, TOO GOOD.    And that trip was too good.

Almost 900 miles round trip.

Worth every single lane I changed, and every single tree I passed.

Bucket List Summer of 2013-

And a big ol' Happy Birthday to Kris.


ps.  To my friends that I didn't text back.  Sorry, not sorry.  I love you lots, just disconnected while I could.
To be with what means the most.
My unit.